Groupware Client Server - Product Release Changes
* Specific
change for Office-Logic Groupware Client Server Edition
Version 8.09:
- E-mail search results was showing blank line
for one of the results.
- * ClientMode in
OL.INI was not permanently setting client/server mode.
- Before dialing with Tapi, fix-up phone number
for dialing rules.
- If "From:" header is blank, gets
sender from "Received:" header.
- Search/replace in userlist also does POP
- Supports attachment name continuations as per
- Does not skip HTML text before <BODY> or
<HTML> tag.
- Allows 10 characters to be typed into database
date field.
Version 8.08:
- To-do changed so that unchecking the
"floating" check box will reset the due date according to
the default settings.
- To-do does not reset display date when floating
checked/unchecked or when date "picker" was used.
- Office-Logic Groupware Usernames not restricted
to SMF naming convention i.e., names can contain up to 15
alpha/numeric/symbol characters except for "*" (asterisk),
"?" (question mark), """ (double quote),
"/" (forward slash), "\" (back slash),
"|" (pipe character), "<" (less than),
">" (greater than), "," (comma), and :
(colon). However, we still recommend discretion when creating
usernames to avoid confusion. (This is a version 9 feature that is
being included.)
- Temporary extracted attachments marked
read-only to prevent users from saving files over the
temporary copy. (This is a version 9 feature that is being
- Removed "(all users)" item from user
list so that selecting "All users" in the recipient dialog
doesn't also select the (All) item and send the messages
- Does not SMTP authenticate if no Office-Logic
password defined so that sending uses the POP password instead. Some
servers don't let you try more than once to authenticate and the
default is: Office-Logic password first, POP password second.
- Reply text surrounded by DIV and FONT tags to
correct "changing font" when doing a reply.
- Can add menu item that allows user to be
selected so that e.g., you can have a "Everyone's
Scheduler" item that allows anyone to view any other
user's schedule without knowing any passwords. This is helpful for
some sites where it is impractical to add each user's schedule to
the menu. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- Selecting "Run Now" from rules gives
warning before running that the selected rule will be run against
ALL messages in the INBOX, regardless of whether the
"Process" is set to "New messages" or "All
messages daily at startup".
- Added HTML print, page-setup, save-as to
pull-down menu.
- Temporary directory defaults to Windows
temporary directory.
- User mail sub-directory can be configured to
something other than MHS. (This is a version 9 feature that is being
- Shared mailbox drawn in gray if not available.
(This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- Shared mailboxes can be disabled by adding an
INI entry to OL.INI. [EMAIL] section: SHARED=0. (This is a version 9
feature that is being included.)
- Removes all non-digits before dialing phone
number with TAPI.
- Attachments compressed with DZIP32 DLL instead
of requiring an external "ZIP" program. (This is a version
9 feature that is being included.)
- Toolbar drawn as gradient if better than 256
color. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- * User
maintenance search/replace record locking corrected for
- Never adds item #0 to listbox because of
Microsoft bug that would "hide" first item in some lists.
- Option to not send mail to attendees saved with
the appointment.
- Overrides default when changing an existing
- Opens schedule files in read-only mode if
read-write fails. Allows network to set read-only so someone other
than owner/allowed can't make changes.
- Added feature to manage Palm licenses from user
maintenance. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- Option in Contacts/Database to "Show
deleted" shows ONLY deleted records. (This is a version 9
feature that is being included.)
- Browses by record number when showing only
deleted records since these records are no longer indexed by other
index files. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- Mouse wheel works smoother in database record
view. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
- Days with appointments shown in bold on Daily
view Month thumbnail.
Version 8.07:
- OL/Remote can request receipt when sending
- Added feature to configure font and color for
rule display messages.
- Background colors can be configured from menu.
- Can change background color of mailbox list.
- Can change background color of e-mail message
- Returns message immediately if message too
large for SMTP server.
- Reports size of message to SMTP server.
- Continuously retries re-connecting if
connection failure.
- Shows settings button after connection or login
- Can decode Base64 lines broken in irregular
- Reminders not duplicated on appointments with
more than 1 reminder.
- Reminder re-index includes today's reminders.
- Reminder re-index skips deleted appointments.
- Rule display message not limited to 255 chars.
- Can use "%r" in rule display message
text for new-line.
- Allows for UU-encoded messages to be forwarded.
- Ignores applefile partitions inside of
appledouble partition.
- Does not show UU-encoded data from message
- Check spelling when sending checkbox was
showing wrong setting.
- When previewing messages, does not extract
images until displayed.
- Fixed problem where phone message could not be
deleted because record locked.
- Decodes URL for HTML images to be included as
- Client mode on command line overrides all other
- Spell check on send can be overridden from
- Mail sent by resource user not saved to sent
items folder.
- Log file uses fixed date/time format of hh:mm:ss.
- Rule "display message" action will
display maximum of 25 windows.
- Added "Global Configuration" to menu
to edit OL.INI file from user maintenance.
- Password obscured when typing new password.
- Can show deleted records in database.
- Can un-delete deleted records in database.
- Can browse database in list view by record
- Appointment location shown in daily view.
Version 8.06:
- Uses new password decryption when sending SMTP.
- Un-blocks Windows XP personal firewall when
program starts.
- Added setting to use old (legacy) recipient
- Clicking in richtext message body properly
activates window.
- Can retrieve richtext template into composed
plaintext message.
- Fixed problem where mailbox not written back to
- * Shared folders supported by client-server.
- Shared folders enabled by default.
- Retries opening message file if sharing
- Highlights correct item after deleting multiple
- Highlights correct item after deleting first
item from Read window.
- Enabled WAN support.
- Client reconnects without losing last packet
- * Reduced client/server timeout to 1 minute.
- Option for "Make Office-Logic your default
e-mail program" defaults to ON.
- Does not eat mouse click when switching from
one window to another.
- Makes sure destination mailbox exists before
POP sync.
- Reply recognizes multiple To: and CC: fields.
- Database selection criteria now allows
"Contains" condition.
- * Client/server performance improved.
Version 8.05:
- Userfile not left open at login.
- Fixed problem when adding a new word
to the spell check dictionary.
- * Placing ClientMode=1 into OL.INI forces into
client/server mode regardless of previous setting.
- Creates USER.LOG if file not found.
- Remote syncs Foxpro database .FPT memo file if
- * Does not start point-to-point communications
if client/server mode.
- Can select user "(all)" from address
book to address message to all users.
- Can enter "(all)" in compose window
to specify all users.
- Default button is "Go" when search
text entered.
- Added hotkey 'U' to mark e-mail message as
- Mailbox properly refreshed when deleting open
e-mail message.
- Makes sure phone message record locked before
- Includes in e-mail header which application
processed rule.
- Mailbox names can be up to 160 chars.
- SSL connection automatically reconnects when
- * Client/server re-connect dialog not shown as
top-most window.
- Retains last INI file values read if file
cannot be opened.
Version 8.04:
- Added support for Client/Server in SSL mode.
- Auto-forward subject rule also includes first
200 chars of body.
- Added feature to import mail from Outlook and
Outlook Express.
- Does not report error deleting if file not
- Closes HTML mail message before printing
- Correctly limits number of characters when
taking phone message.
Version 8.03:
- Performance improved when spell
checking richtext message.
- Automatically generates comments when
adding to whitelist.
- Only includes first to-recipient to
- Allows comments to be edited in
- Search dialog shows correct mailbox
when local and network
boxes have
same name.
Does not show file-not-found when
looking for new messages.
Fixed problem with number of un-read
messages not being displayed if bulletins window opened first.
Chat allows long lines to be pasted into
Version 8.02:
- Allows replaceable parameters
%LOGICMAIL% in temp directory variables.
- Can set initial font to be used when
composing HTML message.
- Font menu option allows setting one of
several fonts.
- Added setting to OL.INI and LOGIC.INI
to save attachments to Sent Items folder.
Version 8.01:
- Writes data as packet burst to host.
- Reads address book data in batches for
better performance.
- Reads schedule file data in batches
for better performance.
- Fixed problem with opening attachments
after images viewed.
- Fixed problem with showing garbled
reminder text.
- Displays multipart/mixed contents
correctly when missing <BODY> tag.
- Improved performance when printing
HTML messages.
- Updates unread message count when
messages retrieved from POP.
- Keeps deleted flag intact when
converting database.
- Reads multiple to-do list records at a
time for performance.
- Fixed problem decoding some binhex
- Pop synchronize cancelled if error
opening existing LOGIC.UID.
- Spell checker global lexicons located
in program directory.
Version 8.00:
- Allows address book to be selected
when saving addresses.
- Email notification if new message in
IMAP mailbox.
- Search dialog includes draft folder in
list of folders.
- Requests receipt from bcc recipients
if "cc Receipt" checked.
- Positions tree control on new mailbox
when created.
- Auto-expands tree branches during
- Shows number of un-read messages in
- Mouse wheel controls window mouse
pointer is hovering over.
- Can use mouse wheel for database
- Can use mouse wheel in monthly view.
- Can use mouse wheel in weekly view.
- Can use mouse wheel in month/year
- Can use mouse wheel in cardex.
- Can use mouse wheel in calendar
- Can reverse to/from column for
individual mailboxes
- Ignores duplicate users in shared
- Displays entire 256 character subject
in daily view.
- Saves to correct mailbox when sending.
- Shows users with middle initial
properly in recipient list.
- Added client/server capability.
- Added database duplicate remove
- Added database re-index to menu.
- Printing daily schedule does not chop
last line of notes.
- In compose window, "Options"
button renamed to "Attach".
- Controls in record view are active,
allowing scrolling and clipboard use.
- Tracking can be disabled by adding
"AllowTracking" to OL.INI.
- Added feature for shared mailboxes.
- Pre-pends "Fw:" for
forwarded e-mail.
- Added feature for shared mailboxes.
- "Network" renamed to
"Personal" in mailbox tree.
- Detained mailbox name configurable
with "DetainedBox" setting in OL.INI.
- Added "Clear All" button to
database export.
- Database export selection criteria
allows "not-equal" condition.
- Will not exception if missing part of
selection criteria expression.
- Added HtmlAvailable user setting to
disable HTML.
- Does not ask multiple times to send
receipt when extracting.
- Added feature to suppress offensive
and spyware images.
- Shows correct mailbox hierachy with
IMAP mailboxes.
- Does not leave e-mail address out of
recipient list if it starts with one space.
- Corrected possible exception with
large reply text.
- Database import attempts to line up
fields with exact same names.
- Increased maximum field size for
importing Exp addr book.
- Shows progress when importing Exp addr
- Not sensitive to truncated mime
encoded header lines.
- Recognizes IMAP mailbox hierarchy
separator character.
- Sanitize allows text to be replaced
with wildcard contents.
- Correctly sends draft messages with
- Skips hidden and system database
definition files.
- Makes sure temporary directory is
- Does not attempt direct delivery if
"!" in mail directory.
- Does not exception when showing
- Bulletin preview pane size is separate
- Waits up to 10 seconds to find user's
- Improved performance when retrieving
pop mail and leaving on server.
- Improved performance when getting list
of folder names.
- Tracking works with RFC822 messages.
- User config saved in LOGIC.INI instead
of registry.
- Dialogs can be moved to secondary
- Adds line to USER.LOG when user logs
into groupware.
- Uses MAPI stub with OLMAPI.DLL instead
of replacing MAPI32.DLL.
- Can un-delete individual recurrences
of appointment.
- Recurring day-of-week control shows
"All" when no days selected.
- Shows total number of messages in
mailbox when selected.
- Clears e-mail notification even if
another box selected.
- Includes attachments saved with draft
- Toolbar uses 3D looking buttons.
- New-mail box displayed as
- IMAP correctly decodes quoted
characters in subject line.
- Allows port to be specified on
SmtpHost setting.
- Any attachments given on the command
line are added to topmost compose window.
- Tech support remote control more
- E-mail HTML filtered using
SANITIZE.TXT before viewing.
- For performance, only writes changed
portion of LOGIC.EMB file.
- Can print HTML message when sending.
- If no "To:" recipients
specified, then all CC: and BCC: recipients
- are sent individual messages to one
"To:" recipient in each.
- Added "Delete all messages"
to mailbox list context menu.
- POP mail retrieval timing based on
ticks so change to system date/time does not affect mail retrieval.
- Can separate multiple e-mail addresses
with semi-colons.
- Allows CPU to idle during drag-drop
- Once mailbox filled, only requests
recent messages from IMAP server.
- Added "Select All" feature
to e-mail list.
- Schedule search results shows journal
- Will not send two receipts if message
previewed while reading message.
- Menu item "Send as
attachment" always available.
- Remotes in groups can be in upper or
lower case.
- Defaults to composing new messages in
- Can use SHIFT to select multiple
messages after sort order changed.
- Added configuration for returning read
- Keeps track of which branches in
mailbox tree are collapsed.
- Allows sent-items and drafts folders
to be searched.
- E-mail search results shows number of
messages selected in status bar.
- Can change the order of rules by
dragging and dropping.
- Deletes all non-message files when
deleting a mailbox.
- Reply at top defaults to ON.
- Supports multiple e-mail POP accounts
per user.
- Added user interface for editing
- Limits passwords to 10 characters.
- Can search detained, drafts and
sent-items folders.
- Can search mailboxes when in compose
- Does not GPF if mailbox name too long.
- Attachment dialog uses Explorer type
file selection.
- Not sensitive to e-mail address
consisting of a single quote.
- Shows home-2 and work-2 numbers when
taking phone message.
- Does not autoreply to messages marked
as "precedence:bulk" or "list".
- Skips continuation lines in message
header when mime decoding.
- Allows first mime boundary to
immediately follow header.
- Easier to use "Technical Support
Remote Control" option.
- Added button to insert signature at
cursor position.
- Added feature to save to mailbox when
- Added feature to print message when
- Recipient selection redesigned to
support multiple address books.
- Menu item "Remote List"
renamed to "Address Book".
- Can edit address book from recipient
- Can save selected recipients to
distribution list.
- Shows preview information with
- Shows message size.
- Added whitelist "Detained"
- Added whitelist "Allow" and
"Block buttons".
- Mailbox contents saved whenever a
change is made.
- Mailbox contents re-loaded whenever
file date/time changes.
- Includes original To: and Cc: when
forwarding message.
- Writes local messages as RFC822.
- Does not truncate message with invalid
quoted-printable text.
- Supports compressed binhex header.
- All sent message added to "Sent
Items" folder.
- Mailbox full message was showing wrong
box name.
- Can forward attachments that are
e-mail messages.
- Added setting to enforce minimum
password length.
- No longer prompts to make changes to
Infinite InterChange or C2.
- Fixed possible exception error when
printing e-mail.

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