Office-Logic Groupware - Product Release Changes

Version 14.12:

  • Email: Added option to search for messages with attachments only.
  • Email: Subject can be up to 990 characters for compatibility.
  • Email: Notification does not cause second window on taskbar to avoid Windows 11 bug.

Version 14.11:

  • Email: Added Open in web browser feature.

Version 14.10:

  • General: Added ability to mark a user as an administrator.
  • Email: Added message body preview feature.
  • Email: Added Prompt for printer when sending e-mail.
  • Email: Does not allow ambiguous recipient on the To,CC or BCC line.
  • Email: Layout defaults to preview on side.

Version 14.09:

  • General: Supports multi-factor login.
  • Email: Warns of incomplete recipient on the To,CC or BCC line before sending.
  • Contacts/Database: If Shift key tapped, relaxes automatic proper-name and uppercase (allows company name to be mixed upper/lower case).
  • Chat: Confirms with user before sharing screen.

Version 14.08:

  • Email: Allows image files on clipboard to be pasted into HTML.
  • Email: Added support for KnowBe4 phishing reporting.
  • Email: Can set default delay delivery (minutes).
  • Email: Improved indenting of replies to keep right margin.
  • Email: Shows appointment and message body together in preview window.
  • Sched: Added color to schedule printouts.
  • Sched: Supports displaying of external calendar from iCalendar URL.
  • Sched: Can change category by pressing digits 0-9 on keyboard.
  • Sched: Agenda shows location, organizer and user similar to daily view.
  • Chat: Added screen sharing feature.
  • Chat: Added audio call feature.

Version 14.07:

  • Email: Message list can display both From and To.
  • Email: Supports richtext auto-reply.
  • Email: Shows Received-from in preview if no From.
  • Email: Added "ArchiveDelete" setting in OL.INI to prevent user archive deletion.
  • Userlist: Userlist sortable by any column.

Version 14.06:

  • General: Notify flashing icon is twice the size for chat notifications.

Version 14.05:

  • Email: Added "Paste Image" feature to right-click context menu.

Version 14.04:

  • Email: Can paste attachments from clipboard.
  • Email: Can drag/drop directly into compose window.

Version 14.03:

  • Email: Attachments shown in order they were added.
  • Sched: Allows services to be chosen for Secure Scheduler.
  • Sched: Can copy/paste group appointment.

Version 14.02:

  • Email: Added "Selection changes do not become the default" as right-click option in compose.
  • Email: Automatically selects "Reply" personality for replies if one exists (when using an e-mail address as a personality name, it selects " Reply" for replies).
  • Email: Tooltip shows attachment name and size.
  • Sched: Added time-zone support to scheduler.
  • Sched: Can set display timezone for individual appointments.

Version 14.01:

  • Chat: Added video chat feature.
  • Chat: Redesigned chat conversation window.
  • Email: Added configurable color for replies.
  • Email: Added option to up-convert forwards and replies to html.
  • Email: Added "Reset all fonts" for e-mail.
  • Email: Shows multiple attachment names in message body that originated from command line.
  • Email: Save-As creates individual EML files if multiple messages selected.
  • Email: Increased maximum message to 16MB.
  • Notepad: Added feature to import notes from Outlook.
  • Sched: Added feature to import appointments from iCalendar file.

Version 12.17:

  • Email: Can search multiple words/phrases using AND,OR and NOT. Example: "this OR that OR other NOT them"
  • Sched: Can still accept group appointment request even if deleted.

Version 12.16:

  • Email: Added feature to Exclude user from all recipient lists or auto-complete.
  • Sched: Pasting an appointment uses the time where the user right-clicked.
  • Sched: Can search multiple words/phrases using AND,OR and NOT.
  • Sched: Supports iCalendar recurring appointment exceptions tied to same UID.

Version 12.15:

  • General: Supports faster compression using ZSTD.
  • General: Resizes module bar and toolbar when font changes.
  • Database: Added "Re-sort field tab order" to right-click menu.
  • Email: Added "Copy link" to right-click menu.
  • Userlist: Group edit dialog resizeable.

Version 12.14:

  • General: Office-Logic client logs in with CRAM-MD5 password.
  • General: Office-Logic client negotiates an SSL connection if required by Office-Logic Host.
  • General: Added setting to Office-Logic client to require signed (SSL) certificate.
  • General: Re-formats phone number in various modules for consistency.
  • General: Added Help - Support - View log file.
  • General: Registry changes are done by elevated OLUPDATE.EXE if user has insufficient rights.
  • General: Updates Office-Logic.exe loader by elevated OLUPDATE.EXE if user has insufficient rights.
  • Email: Dialog for Copy command similar to Move command (added checkbox to search only at start of line).
  • Email: Tooltip indicates F3 can be used to search for next mailbox.
  • Email: Shows attachment names in message body that originated from command line.
  • Email: Includes more recipients in forwarded message text (increased from 256 to 1024 characters).
  • Email: Can spell check personality signatures.
  • Email: When extracting attachment shows attachment extension as a choice.
  • Email: Can use F3 to find next in the compose save-to-folder selection.
  • Database: Added Copy,Paste to context menu.
  • Database: Shows field contents in tool-tip.
  • Sched: Allows hyperlinks in appointment notes to be clicked.

Version 12.13:

  • Email: Added option to display deleted date instead of received date in trash folder.
  • Email: Added Find button to Allow,Block,White,Content filter lists.
  • Email: Added rule action to send an e-mail message.
  • Email: Auto-forwarded messages archived by default.
  • Email: Delete rule allows non-zero parameter to permanently delete.
  • Email: List of attachments in preview window adjusts to filename length.
  • Email: Must have To or BCC recipients before sending message.
  • Sched: Added location to appointment printout.
  • Sched: Allows hyperlinks in appointment notes to be clicked.
  • Sched: Can paste multiple lines into location field.
  • Sched: Uses separate font configuration for notes.

Version 12.12:

  • Email: Added Device passwords to e-mail menu.
  • Email: Send as attachment specifies .eml file for compatibility with iPhone.
  • Email: Can add to device password list to use a unique password for devices that connect to SYNC, IMAP, POP, etc.
  • Email: Can drag-drop file with unicode chars in filename.
  • Email: Can copy recipients from To,cc,bcc lines to clipboard.
  • Email: Compares e-mail address to detect duplicate recipients.
  • Email: Messages originating from MAPI uses UTF8 characters.
  • Sched: Substitutes "(no subject)" when subject missing from invitation.
  • Sched: Drag/drop file to subject line causes it to be attached.
  • Sched: Tab character displayed correctly.

Version 12.11:

  • General: Uses UTF-8 character set for all text, allowing a broader range of special characters to be used.
  • General: Installation program will convert all Schedule files, Notepad files, To-do List files, Cardex files, Address book/Database files, etc.
  • General: Preserves editing changes when toggling word wrap.
  • Email: Performance improvement for Send as Attachment.
  • Email: Header X-Template renamed to X-Logic-Template for compatibility with Aviation Products.
  • Email: Uses zlibwapi instead of obsolete unzip library for UTF-8 compatibility. Removes the .dll from {EXE} directory. Previous versions use zlibwapi for compressing packets.
  • Email: Accelerator key to print message + attachments is "X".
  • Email: Does not insert extra spaces when reading vCalendar notes before adding to Scheduler.
  • Email: Lists more recipients in message body when replying.
  • Email: Encodes special characters in Return-receipt.
  • Email: Text from MAPI is in the ANSI charset.
  • To-do: Corrected problem where no to-do tasks printed.
  • Userlist: Does not attempt to move folder if user directory field empty.

Version 12.10:

  • Email: Can use Extract button to extract events and messages.
  • Email: Encodes special characters in From,Replyto,To,Cc.
  • Email: Shows numbered attachments if more than one event or message.

Version 12.09:

  • Email: Personalities saved in UTF-8 encoding for special characters.
  • Email: Can have up to 128,000 messages in a mailbox.
  • Sched: Group appointment message includes exception dates.
  • Sched: Can change/delete one recurrence of a group appointment.
  • Sched: Shows recurring description in tooltip.

Version 12.07:

  • Email: Refreshes folder list when new folder created.
  • Email: Message list sorted by time down to seconds.
  • Email: No longer passes all clicked hyperlinks to the Windows Shell (because html editor trucates the URL).
  • Email: Does not allow attachments larger than size set by administrator.
  • Sched: Improved group appointment request and reply e-mail message subject and body.
  • Sched: Reminders not included in group appointment request and replies.
  • Sched: Improved look of group appointment invitations.
  • Sched: Includes iCalendar method in Content-Type (for compatibility with other non-compliant applications).
  • Sched: Shows comments tab if comments are present on group appointment replies.
  • Sched: Shows group appointment invitation in email preview.
  • Sched: Displays rounded appointment end-times.
  • Sched: Schedule reminder email text can be template by specifying T:templatename.
  • Sched: Schedule reminders allow replaceable parameters:
    %sd Start date
    %st Start time
    %ed End date
    %et End time
    %l Length
    %s Subject
    %sf Subject (first word)
    %n Notes
    %o Location
    %op Location (in parenthesis)
  • Sched: Added reminder and recurrence fields to schedule import.
  • Userlist: Number of previous passwords increased to 12.
  • General: Switches focus to window when right-clicking on it.

Version 12.06:

  • ** Message index file format changes in this release
  • Email: Added feature to create rule by right-clicking on e-mail message.
  • Email: Added feature to print message + all attachments to default printer.
  • Email: Added message size rule condition.
  • Email: Added print plaintext by right-clicking on e-mail message.
  • Email: Can restrict user to send only to whitelist addresses (requires InterChange).
  • Email: Displays non-whitelisted e-mail addresses in From column.
  • Email: Improved performance when refreshing mailboxes.
  • Email: Message index file format changed for larger from and subject.
  • Email: Message thread stays collapsed when new message added.
  • Email: Passes all clicked hyperlinks to the Windows Shell.
  • Email: Prompts for printer whenever printing multiple HTML messages.
  • Email: Reports empty file when dragged/dropped.
  • Email: Searches subfolders under Inbox.
  • Email: Uses larger area to show attachment list.
  • In-out: In/out board log defaults to ON.
  • Sched: Does not print empty days in daily report.
  • Sched: Only shows bi-weekly even or odd if existing appointment.
  • Userlist: Added feature to archive and delete old mail.
  • Userlist: Can rename user directories when using client/server.
  • Userlist: Username change invokes search/replace references of username in other Office-Logic files (client/server only).

Version 12.05:

  • Email: Added checkbox to search only at start of line to Move command.
  • Email: Can use right arrow to search next in Move command.
  • Email: Can simultaneously deliver 3 messages to Office-Logic Host to increase throughput when sending large files.
  • Email: Attempts to resume delivery when connection re-established after network interruption.
  • Sched: Added SecureScheduler feature.

Version 12.04:

  • Email: Added access to device password list for two-factor authentication.
  • Email: Can pick "none" for delayed delivery date/time.
  • Email: Can dis-allow rules that forward e-mail to outside address.
  • Email: Quotes display name in e-mail address if contains special characters, including apostrophe.
  • Email: Shows e-mail originated from an untrusted source when SPF result is questionable (requires InterChange).
  • Email: Shows local folders with a different icon.
  • Email: Typing mailbox name does not search through recent items at top.
  • Sched: Added tab control to group appointment view.
  • Sched: Asks before sending e-mail back to organizer.
  • Sched: Can edit reminders when attendee of group appointment.
  • Sched: Ignores reminder text of "REMINDER", and uses appointment subject instead.

Version 12.03:

  • General: Attempts to connect to all IP addresses from server name DNS lookup when connecting to host.
  • General: Shows offline on status bar.
  • General: Added command line parameter "screen=" to override screen resolution in use.
  • Email: "Move to Folder" remembers last 5 folders selected.
  • Email: "Move to Folder" does not show archive boxes.
  • Email: "Move to Folder" keys pressed in folder list can search anywhere within the folder name.
  • Email: "Move to Folder" sorts shared and local folders to bottom.
  • Email: Added rule action to mark message as Read.
  • Email: Added "Edit Allow-list" feature to Options menu.
  • Sched: Reminder e-mail text consistent among Office-Logic products.
  • Alert: Added option to send alert to user's phone number in userlist.
  • Userlist: User can unlock their own account due to intruder lockout.
  • Userlist: Admin can right-click on user in userlist and view log file.

Version 12.02:

  • General: Added global setting to restrict application from ever exiting.
  • General: Added feature to minimize to tooltray (under General Configuration).
  • General: Moved Toolbar,Statusbar,Activebar options to 'View' menu item.
  • Database: Database print reads records in batches for performance.
  • Database: Database print remembers last sort and selection criteria.
  • Database: Can search through deleted records.
  • Database: Can delete multiple records.
  • Database: Retries opening database file if read/write error.
  • Email: Added feature to compose message in separate window.
  • Email: Preview window shows "External Email" only if attachments shown.
  • Email: Accelerator for Open in new window is 'O'.
  • Userlist: Added Import users from text file.
    name, description, password, e-mail, alert-target, phone, comment
  • Userlist: Added button to add other group by name to group.
  • Userlist: Can configure which users are allow to broadcast.
  • Userlist: Can add email address directly into group.
  • Userlist: Can change upper/lowercase in username.
  • Alert: Added alert replaceable parameters:
    %w - computer name
    %u - user name
    %p - personal name
    %n - phone number
    %s - site name
    %l - location
    %r - new-line
  • Alert: Can send alert from command line using alert:"text"
  • Chat: Logging enabled by default.

Version 12.01:

  • General: Added Active Window Bar to the right side to show open windows. Enabled drag and drop to the Active Window Bar
  • General: Added "portable" command line parameter to place all temporary files in same folder as executable to allow operation from flashdrive, etc.
  • General: Does not allow old passwords to be re-used.
  • Email: Shows and updates composed e-mail subject on activebar.
  • Email: Updates number of messages in detained folder.
  • Email: Added HTML as a file type choice when selecting Save-As on an open message.
  • Email: Added delayed delivery option to enable date and time to be set for sending of e-mail.
  • Email: Corrected problem with empty slot showing after deleting message from read window.
  • Email: Supports folders under Inbox.
  • Email: Added feature to show number of messages in folders.
  • Email: Added feature to show total size of folders.
  • Email: Can drag/drop multiple folders.
  • Sched: Added Multi-User Calendar view.
  • Sched: Added "Allow all users to change my schedule" to Sharing configuration.
  • Sched: Remembers user selection when printing multiple users.
  • Sched: Go-to command shows date picker in Monthly and Weekly views.
  • Sched: Location shown in square brackets, organizer in curly brackets, and username in parenthesis.
  • Chat: Added context (right-mouse-click) menu items for cut/copy/paste.
  • Notepad: Can move notepad to global user.
  • Userlist: Added feature to move all e-mail to another user.

Version 11.08:

  • General: Global items show as "global" even if switched to the global user.
  • Database: Updates history in address book when record changed/deleted.
  • Email: Individually forwards attachments embedded in winmail.dat.
  • Email: Mailbox refresh done at server for performance increase.
  • Email: Sorts "read:" receipts into thread.
  • Email: Updates un-seen message count in batches for performance.
  • Email: When using mailto, focus on the subject line if recipients already specified.
  • Sched: Indicates today with red box.
  • Sched: Selected day drawn with thicker border.

Version 11.07:

  • Email: Can set maximum length of subject.
  • Email: Prints multiple messages to the Default printer without printer selection.

Version 11.06:

  • General: Does not restrict child windows to size of primary monitor. Improves multi-monitor support.
  • Email: Number of new messages in Inbox updated even if not in Inbox.
  • Email: Warns of external attachments in unexpected mail.
  • Email: Added Expand-All menu option for threaded messages.
  • Email: Added feature to expand/collapse all e-mail folders.
  • Email: Attachment column default based on DPI to allow for varied resolutions.
  • Email: Makes sure preview window is not larger than space available including Folder column and message list column.
  • Email: Makes a copy of attachments dragged into Office-Logic to avoid problem of user deleting file before the message was sent.
  • Email: Excludes local users when saving addresses.
  • Email: Recognizes only the last '<' in the e-mail address. Handles "mailsploit" malformed e-mail address spoof.
  • Email: Mime decode of header line skips over control characters. Handles additional part of "mailsploit" e-mail address spoof.

Version 11.05:

  • Database: New DB file format with unlimited page size.
  • Database: Allows each field to have list of selections.
  • Database: Address book uses separate database for history.
  • Email: Added attach= parameter to "mailto:".
  • Email: Added SecureSilent configuration to never show SecureMail password dialog.
  • Email: Added SecureShow configuration to show and change SecureMail password. If "off", it skips the dialog if there is an established password on the contact.
  • Email: Can drag unlimited number of messages.
  • Email: Custom E-mail button with folder name uses shared folder if it exists.
  • Email: Recipient "Picklist" searches within Office-Logic Username and Office-Logic User Description.
  • Email: Supports archiving messages originating from MAPI.
  • Sched: Supports iCalendar COUNTER request.

Version 11.04:

  • General: Corrected problems detecting lost SSL client/server connection.
  • General: Makes sure notification icon is in display area of a monitor.
  • General: Scales icons for larger DPI displays.
  • Email: Added feature to browse for a folder by typing its name.
  • Email: Builds full e-mail address from address book details.
  • Email: Folder names beginning with dot are allowed.
  • Email: Archive enabled by default. Removed archive checkboxes from compose window.
  • Email: Improved compatibility when forwarding or replying with PNG images.
  • Cardex: Search performance improved for slow connections.
  • Cardex: Search warns if no fields chosen to search.

Version 11.02:

  • General: Corrected issue with user settings lost when password changed.
  • General: Corrected IP notify problem for non-client-server installations.
  • General: Reports login errors/warnings on background connection due to password change from different location.
  • General: Prompts for password when cannot re-connect due to login failure due to password change from different location.
  • Database: Can export record numbers.
  • E-mail: Increased client-server performance when deleting e-mail messages.
  • E-mail: Can send attachments larger than 4GB. Transfer of e-mails may still be limited by the size restrictions of the foreign e-mail server. Size limitation MUST be adjusted on Interchange if large messages are allowed.

Version 11.01:

  • General: Settings button always visible in login screen.
  • Alerts: Added location and phone number columns to alert console.
  • Alerts: Allows location and phone number in alert text.
  • Alerts: Prompts for location to be used for alert if none specified.
  • Alerts: Shows alert console when alert acknowledged by operator.
  • Email: Searches through email attachment file names.
  • SecureMail: Shows existing SecureMail password when sending and allows it to be changed.
  • Sched: Can open and modify personal copy of a group appointment.

Version 11.00:

  • Alerts: Renamed Panic to Alert.
  • Alerts: Added Alert console module.
  • Alerts: Allow "Operators" to be designated for Alert console to allow 2-way communications.
  • Alerts: Added alert group to user properties to specify who receives alert. Default/blank = All users.
  • Alerts: Shows date/time, username, and IP address of alert.
  • Alerts: User holds down the LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT keys for 1.5 seconds to activate the Alert.
  • Database: Added "Remove Photo" to remove a picture from contact.
  • Database: Added right-click option to place today's date in field.
  • Database: Added Schedule-it attribute to create appointment in current user calendar.
  • Database: Can print picture when printing contact.
  • Email: Added context menu item for "Collapse All" to message list.
  • Email: Added positive e-mail delivery notification to status bar.
  • Email: Added rule action to move message to "Local folder".
  • Email: Added rule sort button.
  • Email: Added table editing to HTML editor.
  • Email: Allows recipient to be all digits with no "@" or domain name (for SMS gateway).
  • Email: Changed "Add to whitelist" dialog buttons to "Yes/No".
  • Email: Corrected extract progress bar.
  • Email: Corrected search problem with sub-folders checkbox checked.
  • Email: Corrected SecureMail rule for attachments present.
  • Email: Corrected unresponsive Cancel button during extract.
  • Email: Decodes subject line passed in through MAPI.
  • Email: Does not include global dlists if already global user to avoid duplicate display.
  • Email: Message list replaced for improved performance and functionality.
  • Email: Compose picklist finds text within e-mail addresses, not just at beginning.
  • Email: Shows To: Cc: Bcc: lines as underline instead of box.
  • Email: Work-around to fix Windows 10 "Open-With" issue.
  • General: Added phone number to user properties.
  • General: Administrator can remotely close the client application from the Office-Logic Host Monitor. Can choose between Forced Exit and Graceful Exit.
  • General: Can use F11 to maximize window.
  • General: Corrected unresponsive Cancel button during search.
  • General: Increased group record size by 400 percent for larger group membership.
  • General: Increased username size to 31 characters and password size to 26 characters.
  • General: Scales icons and spacing for larger DPI displays.
  • General: Supports Context-Menu keyboard button.
  • Sched: Added context menu item to show Contact.
  • Sched: Added print option to monthly and weekly views.
  • Sched: Allows up to 20 global categories.
  • Sched: Makes a copy when dragging attendee appointments.
  • Sched: Uses workstation DST rules if rule in iCalendar object does not include DST months.

Version 10.10:

  • General: Added compression option for client/server for better performance on slow connections.
  • General: Added Panic feature (configured in User Maintenance under Options).
  • General: Password in user-list may be mixed case.
  • General: Registers file extensions that Office-Logic can open for "Default Programs".
  • General: Removed logging to TCP_LOG and VCAL_LOG notepads.
  • General: SSL uses 1024 bit Diffie-Hellman key.
  • Chat: Added Broadcast feature.
  • Database: Added server side database search feature for performance.
  • E-mail: Added email right-click "Open in new window" feature.
  • E-mail: Added feature to limit total size of all attachments in composed e-mail to global configuration.
  • E-mail: Added Import Address book from text/csv file.
  • E-mail: Added message threading by subject.
  • E-mail: Can use CTRL-A for Select-All in message list.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue forwarding attachments that are in place of the message body.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with editing second address line of vCard contact.
  • E-mail: Maximum number of messages allowed in mailbox increased to 65000.
  • E-mail: Time stamps message using server's local time for clients in other time zones.

Version 10.08:

  • General: Added support for files over 4GB.
  • Cardex: Added horizontal scrollbar.
  • Cardex: Adjusts template size when font changes.
  • Database: Added feature to right-click on contact and send via email.
  • Database: Can drag-drop contact within Office-Logic or to another application.
  • E-mail: Added hotkey ALT-N for "Print" checkbox in compose window.
  • E-mail: Added SecurePassword setting to control whether SecureMail password is required.
  • E-mail: Height of "display images" text adjusts with DPI.
  • E-mail: Message saved in Sent-Items and archive shows actual From: address used.
  • E-mail: Removed length limit of hyperlink URLs.
  • E-mail: Removes invalid characters from file name before viewing attachment.
  • E-mail: Renamed all occurrences of email to e-mail.
  • E-mail: SecureMail rules To, cc, bcc recipients all combined into one.
  • E-mail: Supports consolidating older e-mail messages into one file.
  • Notepad: Added date column to list of notepads.
  • Notepad: Can sort list of notepads by any column.
  • Scheduler: Drag/drop updates appointment history.
  • To-do: Added to-do list import from Outlook.
  • Userlist: Added Unlock intruder lockout to right-click menu of user list.

Version 10.07:

  • General: Log file written to Temp directory.
  • Database: Database fields are allowed to be displayed wider than 80 characters.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with printing when sending e-mail.
  • Todo: Added to-do list import from Outlook.

Version 10.06:

  • E-mail: Added SecureMail Rules feature.
  • E-mail: Ensures "No contact associated with folder" notice is answered and not placed behind Office-Logic.
  • E-mail: Forwarded messages include received date/time of original message in local timezone.
  • Notepad: Added sync configuration setting to synchronize notes.
  • Notepad: Added ability to print HTML notepads.
  • Notepad: Can search through HTML notepads.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with appointment reminders showing wrong recurrence date.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with scheduler search results disappearing.

Version 10.05:

  • E-mail: Can drag/drop attachments onto desktop, folders and apps (using OLE).
  • E-mail: Does not prompt to close composed message unless changes made or recipients added.
  • E-mail: Drag-drop to desktop uses subject as file name.
  • E-mail: Save-as defaults to subject as file name.
  • E-mail: Shows sending complete only when message completely sent.
  • Notepad: Corrected issue with not showing notepad description.
  • Notepad: Does not prompt to close notepad unless changed made.

Version 10.04:

  • E-mail: Can be set to warn when e-mail message send to outside recipient with "WarnOutside" setting in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Can be set to always start recipient selection on certain address book with "RecipBook" setting in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Performs all email sending and archiving at server if client/server connection.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with extra spaces in wrapped subject lines.
  • E-mail: Saves collapsed state of tree control.
  • E-mail: Secure Mail checkbox can be defaulted or forced on/off with "SendSecure" setting in OL.INI.
  • Notepad: Allows richtext (HTML) in notepads.
  • Scheduler: Attendee selection dialog allows searching, address book selection, distribution lists and direct entry of e-mail address.

Version 10.03:

  • General: Can drag-drop email, phone messages, appointments, tasks onto module bar button, creating a new item specific to the button.
  • General: Font configurations are associated with certain screen resolutions.
  • General: Can use Ctrl-A to select all text.
  • General: Can use F8 to autodial phone number.
  • Database: Can browse by record number.
  • E-mail: Does not unexpectedly re-size columns in maximized window.
  • E-mail: Can use Ctrl-D in compose window to select recipients.
  • E-mail: Can use Ctrl-O in compose window to record voice attachment.
  • E-mail: Can use Ctrl-R in compose window to toggle richtext.
  • E-mail: Can use Ctrl-S in compose window to check spelling.
  • E-mail: Converts e-mail text to ANSI character set when dragging.
  • E-mail: Wildcard characters * and ? allowed in rules.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with interval between displayed times configuration not saved.
  • Scheduler: Removes search result from list if appointment moved or deleted.
  • Scheduler: Can skip spell checking of notes and save appointment.

Version 10.02:

  • General: Always logs file activity to LOGIC.LOG.
  • General: Removed LOGIC32.DLL dependency.
  • E-mail: Performs email searches at server if client/server connection.
  • E-mail: Prints date received at the top of the email message.
  • E-mail: Recognizes HTML message body inside of WINMAIL.DAT attachment.
  • Scheduler: Added option to shade every other line when printing schedule.
  • Scheduler: Shades with gray background instead of dithered background when printing schedule.
  • Scheduler: Added option to spell check notes when saving appointment.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with locating recurring group appointments.

Version 10.01:

  • General: Added Comments field to user account information.
  • General: Added General Configuration to all menus.
  • General: Added Sync configuration.
  • General: Background threads use their own client/server connection.
  • General: Can drag file/folder onto module bar to create shortcut.
  • General: Can drag notepad, database, or cardex onto module bar to create shortcut.
  • General: Client/Server allows up to 4 host names or IP addresses to be specified, separated by commas.
  • General: Default font changed from MS Sans Serif to Arial to support Cleartype.
  • General: Does not specify font quality, allowing operating system to use highest quality font.
  • General: Each screen resolution has its own associated column widths.
  • General: Each screen resolution has its own associated pane position.
  • General: Font heights follow Windows DPI setting.
  • General: Header drawn with a gradient filled background.
  • General: Module bar is configurable.
  • General: Notification icons drawn to keep Windows from stretching it.
  • General: Uses Arial font for dialog boxes so ClearType is available.
  • General: Uses OLE for drag/drop for better compatibility dragging/dropping to other applications.
  • Chat: Can set background color for chat window.
  • Database: Added business-card view for contacts database.
  • Database: Can copy contact from list view or card view to clipboard.
  • Database: Can set font of database list.
  • Database: Contact may now include a photo.
  • Database: Database fields can be placed beyond 80x25 screen.
  • Database: Does not truncate notes when copy/paste database record from clipboard.
  • Database: Memo limitation increased from 32K to 4MB.
  • E-mail: "Send attachments to cc: recipients" checkbox enabled by global configuration.
  • E-mail: Added "1" to "8" hotkeys to change message color coding.
  • E-mail: Added "Address" button on toolbar for adding recipients.
  • E-mail: Added "H" hotkey for "Send as Attachment".
  • E-mail: Added "OR" condition to e-mail search.
  • E-mail: Added "Options - Distribution list" feature.
  • E-mail: Added "View-Display images" menu item.
  • E-mail: Added "View-Preview on side" menu item.
  • E-mail: Added Clear button to e-mail search.
  • E-mail: Added Read-Previous button.
  • E-mail: Added global configuration to restrict detained folder from printing/forwarding/replying.
  • E-mail: Added hourly rule processing.
  • E-mail: Added IMAP IDLE functionality.
  • E-mail: Added new rule action to print attachment.
  • E-mail: Added print-raw rule action.
  • E-mail: Added rule condition for day-of-week.
  • E-mail: Added rule condition for email age in hours and days.
  • E-mail: Added rule condition for message read status.
  • E-mail: Allows user to edit e-mail address to be allowed/blocked before adding.
  • E-mail: Assigns correct mime type for each attachment when sending mail.
  • E-mail: Can open meeting requests in WINMAIL.DAT attachment.
  • E-mail: Continues deleting other messages even if one cannot be opened.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem when Inbox and "Search Sub-boxes" both selected.
  • E-mail: Default number of days messages stay in sent items increased to 30.
  • E-mail: Default number of days messages stay in trash increased to 30.
  • E-mail: Defaults to SMTP as mail folder.
  • E-mail: Deletes files in Extract folder older than 10 days.
  • E-mail: Does not allow forward/redirect/reply from Detained folder.
  • E-mail: Does not allow recipient with no e-mail address.
  • E-mail: Does not center rule message text.
  • E-mail: Does not discard space character when un-wrapping header lines.
  • E-mail: Does not show number of unseen messages if no rights to mailbox.
  • E-mail: Does not re-write entire index file when one item deleted.
  • E-mail: Each temporary extract file placed in its own folder.
  • E-mail: Email background color is configurable.
  • E-mail: Email text "*** Attachment omitted:" changed to "Attachment:".
  • E-mail: Global always has rights to shared mailboxes.
  • E-mail: If Windows shell cannot open URL, then attempts to execute the associated application directly.
  • E-mail: Increase default column width for attachments.
  • E-mail: Message header background color is configurable.
  • E-mail: Message importance shown as an image.
  • E-mail: No longer includes cc: and bcc: in subject (was causing sort problems in smartphones).
  • E-mail: Only looks for MIM file if message file-size is over 32K (for performance).
  • E-mail: Organizer in vCalendar object can include commas within quotes.
  • E-mail: Personality Edit, New, Rename, Duplicate, Delete features all moved to one window.
  • E-mail: Preview background color is configurable.
  • E-mail: Re-sizes header columns if message list width changes.
  • E-mail: Renamed Mailboxes to Folders.
  • E-mail: Shows all three contact e-mail addresses in recipient selection.
  • E-mail: Shows both tracking and attachment icons in attachment column.
  • E-mail: Shows tooltips for all items in message list.
  • E-mail: Shows unread messages in Detained folder.
  • E-mail: Shows vcalendar attachments in an appointment window.
  • E-mail: Shows web URL before hyperlinking to web site.
  • E-mail: Updates number of unread messages when message retrieved by POP into mailbox.
  • E-mail: Uses newer index file format with more space for from and subject lines.
  • E-mail: When deleting duplicate item from text list, only deletes one item.
  • E-mail: When forwarding or replying to message, includes "References:" header.
  • Phone: Added capability to mark/unmark phone messages as read.
  • Scheduler: Can drag/drop appointments between users.
  • Scheduler: Can drop ICS/VCS vCalendar file into Office-Logic.
  • Scheduler: Can import comma or tab separated appointments.
  • Scheduler: Corrected possible exception error in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Corrected problem showing appointment when alarm notification left past midnight.
  • Scheduler: Includes vCalendar object as attachment.
  • Scheduler: Vcalendar objects opened immediately instead of copying them into QUEUE folder.
  • Scheduler: When cannot locate group appointment by UID, only searches the previous year instead of every year.
  • To-do: To-do list record size increased to 4K.

Version 9.25:

  • General: Removed extra noise from notification sounds.
  • General: Limits size of password typed into login dialog.
  • E-mail: Added option to include the original background in forwards and replies.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with some images not showing when redirecting message.
  • E-mail: Corrected possible exception error in forward and reply when BODY tag is excessively large.

Version 9.24:

  • General: Updates loader executable Office-Logic.exe.
  • E-mail: Archive folders can have sub-folders.
  • E-mail: Can disable indenting of original text in a reply, inserting a separator line instead.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with always notifying if "Check for new email at startup" selected.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with duplicates showing in message list.
  • E-mail: Font applied to entire HTML body, keeping the editor from unexpectedly switching fonts.
  • E-mail: Makes sure no invalid characters used when sending HELO line to SMTP server.
  • E-mail: Upon notification only refreshes list of messages for initial user.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with alarm notifications.
  • Scheduler: Corrected problem with empty attributes in vcalendar objects.
  • Scheduler: When opening the same appointment twice, shows the one that is already open.
  • Database: In database list view when sorted by record order, corrected problem positioning using scrollbar.

Version 9.23:

  • General: Fixed problem with tree control not showing the scroll bar.
  • E-mail: Added configuration to download attachments for viewing in background allowing user to do other things while the attachment extracts.
  • E-mail: Archive attachments checkbox enabled by global configuration to allow admin to force Archive check box on or off.
  • E-mail: Attempts to find e-mail addresses in address book when retrieving drafts.
  • E-mail: Checks for new mail even if Inbox not selected so rules and box counts are updated.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem sending to all users with direct delivery disabled.
  • E-mail: Does not show warning when cannot open cert.pem.
  • E-mail: Email notification refreshes Inbox and alerts user only if new mail in Inbox. Does not notify when messages are being sent directly to another box even though the message is new.
  • E-mail: Secure Attachments is now called Secure Mail since whole message is now secured.
  • E-mail: Secure Mail messages are always archived and tracked. This allows the sender to check on disposition of messages sent securely.
  • E-mail: Tracking feature works with outside email addresses if receiving e-mail client supports it. This requires the receiving mail client to return receipts that contain "In reply to" or "References" header fields.
  • Scheduler: Added configuration to always display time on appointments in daily view.
  • Scheduler: Added configuration to always display time on appointments in workweek view.

Version 9.22:

  • General: Fixed problem editing pop/imap accounts when 8 accounts are defined.
  • E-mail: Improved performance when updating mailbox from filesystem.
  • E-mail: Messages received in multiple parts are not combined. Prevents malware from disguising itself.
  • E-mail: Mime object contains partition size in bytes and lines for compatibility with InterChange for Apple iOS5 fix.
  • E-mail: Picklist stores where contact came from so secure password can be updated.
  • Database: Keeps database open during export, import, and print to allow more time for completion of operations.

Version 9.21:

  • General: Application may be able to continue after an exception.
  • General: User must respond to error messages before continuing (task modal).
  • E-mail: Added "(Sent)" to Archive folder in tree control.
  • E-mail: Corrected possible hangup when searching message with no body.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem with mailbox tree control showing wrong number of unread messages if mailbox takes a while to refresh.
  • E-mail: Each temporary MAPI attachment file placed in separate folder to avoid problems with similar attachment names.
  • E-mail: Encodes subject on outgoing message if it contains foreign characters.
  • E-mail: Extracts to Event.ics if icalendar event attachment with no name.
  • E-mail: Extracts to Message.eml if message attachment with no name.
  • E-mail: Flags message file only if status changed in message list (for performance).
  • E-mail: If message date/time is same, sorts by message UID.
  • E-mail: If password changed, SMTP and POP connections use new password.
  • E-mail: Makes sure e-mail address in contact record matches what is searched (avoids selecting wrong email address if index is incorrect).
  • E-mail: Messages attached with "Send as attachment" have content type of message/rfc822.
  • E-mail: Print checkbox disabled if no default printer available.
  • E-mail: Removed split screen for forward & reply.
  • E-mail: Secure Mail allows each recipient to have a different password.
  • E-mail: Shows correct database name in window title when saving a vcard.
  • Scheduler: Multi-day appointments no longer limited to 255 days.
  • Scheduler: Schedule reminder messages drawn in middle of screen with configurable font and color (similar to rule messages).
  • Scheduler: Searches all 256 chars of subject.

Version 9.20:

  • E-mail: Added feature to add signature at top when message is started.
  • E-mail: Added feature to print raw message directly to printer.
  • E-mail: Allows font of subject line in compose window to be changed.
  • E-mail: Fixed possible exception error when too much text entered in recipient line.
  • E-mail: Forward and reply window titles include e-mail subject.
  • E-mail: Ignores directory name for attachments inside of WINMAIL.DAT.
  • E-mail: Opens ICS and VCS attachments using external program if not default scheduler.
  • E-mail: Reports error if cannot retrieve HTML text from editor.
  • E-mail: Refreshes foreground IMAP session if background IMAP session realizes changes.
  • E-mail: Shows text/calendar mime object as "Event" only if it has no filename.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with attendee status set as accepted on new appointments.
  • Scheduler: If scheduling group appointment as a resource, sets organizer to initial user.
  • Scheduler: Resets reminder refresh cycle to keep multiple error messages from taking over and crashing application.
  • Scheduler: Shows organizer in parenthesis for overlaid group appointments.
  • Database: Fixed problem with finding next record when deleting.
  • Database: Recognizes vcard objects with grouping identifier in front of attribute name (iphone/ipad).

Version 9.17:

  • General: Corrected issue displaying large tooltips.
  • E-mail: When moving message and selecting 'New', allows Personal or Shared to be selected.
  • E-mail: For IMAP accounts, gets new message envelopes in batches.
  • E-mail: Recognizes group appointments that arrive by e-mail as text/calendar mime objects.
  • E-mail: Keeps track of which detained messages were already released.
  • E-mail: Auto-saves composed messages every 30 seconds in case of failure.
  • Scheduler: Fixed issue with all days of a multi-day group appointment not showing.
  • Scheduler: If scheduling group appointment as a resource, sets organizer to initial user.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with alarm pre-ring.

Version 9.15:

  • General: Does not allow passwords that are on a restricted list of common passwords in addition to any restrictions that the admin has set.
  • General: Added "grace" login setting to allow forced password changes to be bypassed temporarily.
  • General: When editing user passwords in admin module, warns if the password does not meet minimum requirements or matches bad password list.
  • General: Client will retry connecting to host after 1 minute if user presses Cancel.
  • E-mail: When right-clicking in tree to create new folder, does not prompt for Personal/Shared/Local and creates it at the level that user selected.
  • E-mail: Image attachments passed to Internet Explorer viewer without extension for cases where the sending e-mail client uses the wrong extension for the image type.
  • E-mail: Picklist keeps address book details for each item so that items with duplicate keywords are handled correctly.
  • E-mail: Can browse for printer when editing rules.
  • E-mail: When replying, automatically selects personality with the same name as the original recipient.
  • E-mail: Saves tree expanded state before refreshing tree.
  • E-mail: Moved archive to bottom of folder tree.
  • E-mail: Fixed problem with red box around tree folders.
  • E-mail: Plaintext background color default is white.
  • E-mail: Refreshes mailbox list when local or shared directory configuration changed.
  • E-mail: Continues IMAP session even if invalid IMAP response received.
  • E-mail: Added rule action to save message body to file.
  • E-mail: Associates .EML and .MSG files with Office-Logic if Office-Logic is the default mail client.
  • Scheduler: Uses single alarm table that is refreshed every 15 minutes to avoid spurious reminders when appointments changed.
  • Scheduler: If reminder text is blank, uses appointment subject.
  • Scheduler: Global and resources cannot create group appointments.
  • Scheduler: Fixed possible file corruption when writing attendee notes.
  • Scheduler: Corrected problem parsing continuation lines in iCalendar objects for compatibility with some calendar applications.
  • Scheduler: Attendees searched by username and e-mail address in an attempt to better match local user to attendees in iCal objects.
  • Scheduler: Appointments can have the "transparency" set as busy, free, tentative or out-of-office.
  • Scheduler: Shared appointments do not show on overlay calendar if they do not block any time (Transparency=Free or are Floating) AND are flagged Private.
  • Scheduler: Shared appointments that are part of a group appointment that is already displayed does not show again.
  • Scheduler: Shows organizer and attendees in tooltip.
  • Scheduler: Added right-click menu options in monthly and weekly view for Undelete, Send, History, Cut, Copy and Paste.
  • Database: Database list view shows dates with slashes.

Version 9.11:

  • General: Displays exception errors if they occur and logs the details.
  • General: Office-Logic can be associated with .VCF files which makes Office-Logic the "Default handler for vCards".
  • E-mail: Added "Secure attachment" sending feature allowing unlimited size file attachments to be securely sent from Office-Logic to outside addresses. Requires Office-Logic InterChange and a separate license.
  • E-mail: Added OL.INI setting to allow administrator to force archive of attachments.
  • E-mail: Adds notice to message if "Secure attachment" option is selected and global personality "SecureAttach" is present.
  • E-mail: Extracts attachments in separate thread so user can continue working while attachment is being transferred for viewing or saving.
  • E-mail: Fixed issue with e-mail address entered not linking back to contact in address book.
  • E-mail: If Office-Logic not default mail client, removes setting under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
  • E-mail: Improved performance when thousands of mailboxes are defined.
  • E-mail: Increased space in preview window for attachment names.
  • E-mail: Supports received TNEF (WINMAIL.DAT) attachments.
  • E-mail: Truncates distribution list name to 160 characters.
  • E-mail: Uses new file format for outgoing SMTP messages similar to InterChange for client and host.
  • Scheduler: Added option to make Office-Logic your default scheduler program.
  • Scheduler: Uses correct e-mail address from iCalendar object when sending reply to organizer.
  • Database: Added option to make Office-Logic your default contact program.
  • Database: Does not compare vCard object when looking for duplicates to remove.

Version 9.10:

  • General: Added feature to allow Tool-bar font to be selected.
  • General: Added context menu (right-mouse-click) on Tool-bar and Module-bar to change font, hide, show text, and show 3-D buttons.
  • E-mail: Added feature to view business card attached to a message and add it to an address book.
  • E-mail: Added feature to add business card to a personality.
  • E-mail: Added feature to add business card to outgoing e-mail message.
  • E-mail: Added feature to allow recipient list font to be selected.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem processing rules with UTF-7 encoded messages.
  • E-mail: Does not ask user to save draft if nothing changed in composed message when canceling.
  • E-mail: Can open iCalendar object in e-mail without adding to queue (queuing causes the request to re-appear until the user responds).
  • Scheduler: Attendee status shows Deleted if appointment was deleted.
  • Scheduler: Does not show duplicates for same appointment in schedule search results.
  • Scheduler: Filenames for iCalendar objects created with .ICS extension instead of .VCS.
  • Scheduler: Recognizes both organizer name and email address in iCalendar object.

Version 9.09:

  • E-mail: Allow a distribution list to be selected on the "To:", "cc:" or "bcc:" line.
  • E-mail: Added right-click menu option to move Distribution list to global user.
  • E-mail: Added right-click menu option to open Distribution list in text editor.
  • E-mail: Distribution list can be specified in rules and reminders.
  • E-mail: Fixed problem with forwarding message with attachment and no body.
  • E-mail: Picklist shows distribution lists.
  • Scheduler: Allows a reminder to send HTML text by starting the reminder message body with <HTML>.
  • Scheduler: Can browse recipients for email reminders.
  • Scheduler: Printouts default to Arial font.
  • Scheduler: Printouts show appointment location.
  • Scheduler: Tooltip no longer shows midnight appointments as floating.
  • Scheduler: Weekly printout can be arranged left-to-right or top-to-bottom.
  • Scheduler: Weekly printout can print Saturday/Sunday in one box.
  • Database: Closes database after one minute of inactivity.
  • Database: Corrected problem displaying deleted records in listview.
  • Remote: Office-Logic Remote synchronizes distribution lists.
  • General: Does not show selection outline in tree control if GDI+ failure.

Version 9.08:

  • Scheduler: Appointments can span between years.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with recurring exclusion dates not being recognized.
  • Scheduler: Corrected issue with calendar sometimes not updating in daily view.
  • Scheduler: Monthly and weekly views can be configured to show category color as appointment background color.

Version 9.07:

  • General: Compatible with Windows 7.
  • General: Shows tree selection with outline and gradient fill (Win XP and later).
  • General: Significant performance improvements when accessing group lists when in Client/Server mode.
  • General: When user cancels client/server connection, no further attempts are made.
  • E-mail: Added checkbox in search dialog to search hidden headers.
  • E-mail: Corrected "Open with" to work with Windows 7.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue with editing plaintext personalities.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem with IMAP search.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem with adding users to ACL.
  • E-mail: Corrected problem with sending foreign characters to some mail clients.
  • E-mail: Does no charset conversion if Windows conversion functions fail.
  • E-mail: Makes sure Reply-To or From recipients become To recipients in the reply even when they are also cc recipients.
  • E-mail: Shows location when viewing group appointment from email.
  • E-mail: User e-mail address formed correctly when commas and quotes are in the user personal name.
  • Scheduler: Can configure reminder email default to be included on all new appointments.
  • Scheduler: Do not send attendee email for group appointments that are changed but occur in the past.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem with double-clicking on day/date line in day on monthly view bringing up an appointment from the day box above.
  • Scheduler: Opening items in schedule search results opens day containing info found in journal.
  • Scheduler: Recognizes both attendee name and email address in vcal object.
  • Scheduler: Schedule search can be canceled while in progress.
  • Scheduler: Significant performance improvements when displaying schedules when in Client/Server mode.
  • Database: Added "Date changed" database field attribute so record can show date when record is changed/created.
  • Database: Database duplicate removal now compares memos.
  • Database: Database index names default to entire database name and field name.
  • Database: Fixed problem with foreign characters in address book not displaying.
  • Database: Significant performance improvements when accessing contact database when in Client/Server mode.

Version 9.05:

  • General: Corrected issue with automatically re-connecting to Office-Logic Host to avoid nuisance message.
  • E-mail: Displays original text if codepage not available to convert character set to messages sent with wrong character set to still display .
  • E-mail: Does not exception if database index cannot be opened.
  • E-mail: Remote specifies username instead of e-mail address for SENDER field in header for outgoing mail.
  • E-mail: For IMAP accounts, gets list of UIDs to find new messages instead of "SEARCH RECENT" to allow for simultaneous connections.
  • E-mail: Menu item to edit Whitelist always available.
  • E-mail: Times out after 3 minutes of no data from IMAP server to make more resilient to Internet interruptions.
  • E-mail: Upgrades username to e-mail address in ReturnReceiptTo header when redirecting message.
  • Scheduler: Scheduler uses default email reminder subject if none specified.
  • Scheduler: When adding appointment e-mail reminder, fills in username as the default "To:" address.

Version 9.03:

  • E-mail: Does not include global signature when sending to local recipients even if direct delivery disabled.
  • E-mail: Corrected possible exception error with delete and move rule actions.
  • E-mail: Attempts SSL (STARTTLS) when sending mail if SmtpSsl=1 in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Initiates SSL when sending mail if SmtpPort=465 in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Views ICS and VCS attachments using Office-Logic scheduler.
  • E-mail: Rule prints raw text directly to device if LPT* (e.g., LPT1, LPT2, etc.) specified. Adding comma and a number will send specified number of line feeds to printer to allow extra space between printed messages.
  • Scheduler: Recognizes timezone component in vCalendar object.
  • Database: Improved duplicate removal feature for records without memos.

Version 9.02:

  • E-mail: Added access control list for mailboxes.
  • E-mail: Added rules replacement parameter %a to represent day of month.
  • E-mail: Workaround added for "script error" when printing e-mail messages using Internet Explorer 8.
  • E-mail: Does not issue IMAP RECENT command if IMAP connection lost. This was causing new messages to not be discovered.
  • E-mail: List of code pages kept in CODEPAGE.TXT file. This is used for displaying international messages.
  • E-mail: Logs IMAP commands to LOGIC.LOG.
  • E-mail: Prints extra line at bottom of plaintext message.
  • E-mail: Processes rules on new IMAP messages retrieved even if Inbox not open.
  • E-mail: Uses different mailbox hierarchy separator char for IMAP mailboxes.
  • General: User selection dialog is re-sizeable.
  • Userlist: Added checkbox to show user password.
  • Remote: Office-Logic Remote supports long names for notepads, todo, cardex, templates.
  • General: Log file USER.LOG can grow to 64K.
  • General: Corrected issue with wrong error numbers reported when network error happens.

Version 9.01:

  • Database: Database duplicate removal deletes records containing data that is a subset of another record.
  • Database: Reads multiple records at a time when re-indexing database for increased performance.
  • E-mail: Added option on the Print Email menu for Plain-Text messages to not print email page header and footer.
  • E-mail: Administrator can override name of global signature in individual user's configuration file by adding "GlobalSignature=" to the "[Email]" section.
  • E-mail: Fixed issue with showing attachment names on e-mail message printout.
  • E-mail: Increased performance by sending request to Office-Logic Host to count number of unread messages in mailbox.
  • E-mail: Spell checker send button hotkey is Alt-S.
  • General: Added command line parameter "new=1" to start new instance of Office-Logic even if one is already running.
  • General: Can add menu item of type "Read-only user" from desktop configuration to access another user's data with read-only access.
  • * General: Client/server performance increased when opening/reading files.
  • General: User log shows anytime their data is accessed by another user.
  • Inout: In/out board rebuild attempts to retain previous values.
  • Phone: Reads from phone database in batches for increased performance.
  • Phone: Recipients of phone messages can specify an e-mail address for a copy of their new phone messages to be sent to (from Options-Configure).
  • Sched: Fixed display problem when selecting users for multi-user printout.

Version 9.00.47:

  • E-mail: Can customize page headers/footers for printing HTML (richtext) by right-clicking on message text and selecting Page-Setup.
  • E-mail: Email header "Sender:" contains full e-mail address (not just Office-Logic username).
  • E-mail: Email header "X-Forwarded-by:" contains sending user's e-mail address.
  • E-mail: Added new  (right-click) HTML context menu options when previewing an HTML message.
    • HTML View Source
    • HTML Print Message Body
    • HTML Page Setup
    • HTML Save As...
    • HTML Save Picture As...
    • HTML Save Background As....
  • Database: Fixed issue with upper-casing character following foreign character.
  • Scheduler: Includes VCS file as attachment when sending appointment.
  • General: Fixed issue with (right-click) context menu showing up in wrong place on dual monitors.
  • General: Saves window positions separately for each screen size, so user can run Office-Logic on different computers without re-adjusting window positions.

Version 9.00.46:

  • E-mail: Added feature to reset the column widths in the e-mail message list.
  • E-mail: Added feature to search e-mail using a date range.
  • E-mail: Does not generate soft-returns (consisting of only a CR character) when composing plaintext messages.
  • E-mail: When composing a message, and typing in an address, the pickilist does not stop offering suggestions even when mismatch found.
  • E-mail: Does not wait for all images to be downloaded before spell checking or sending message.
  • E-mail: Fixed issue with blank lines showing in the message list where deleted messages were.
  • E-mail: Fixed issue with message body missing when forwarding and redirecting to small device.
  • E-mail: From header in redirected messages does not show personality "from" address.
  • E-mail: Ignores comments in distribution list.
  • E-mail: Ignores rule actions Move and Copy to Inbox.
  • E-mail: Ignores rule conditions with no text specified to match.
  • E-mail: Ignores rule move to box with no box specified.
  • E-mail: * Improved performance when forwarding attachments using client/server.
  • E-mail: Picklist of available files shown as user selects attachments.
  • E-mail: Displays picklist of attachment files available when typing in the Attachment field instead of only recent attachment files.
  • E-mail: Re-Sent-By header in redirected messages shows personality "from" address.
  • E-mail: Does not take control of the keyboard when message displayed by a rule appears on the screen.
  • E-mail: When using the Search utility, selecting the checkbox "All Personal boxes" does not search other boxes that already have their own checkboxes, such as archive boxes.
  • E-mail: Supports S/MIME signed messages.
  • E-mail: Supports SSL for POP and IMAP connections by ading :993 or :995 to host name.
  • E-mail: Upgrades all local usernames to e-mail addresses when sending to internet.
  • E-mail: Uses "$USERSIG" personality if present, and user cannot select another personality.
  • E-mail: Will not automatically add email address with asterisk into whitelist.
  • Cardex: Allows 64000 cards (previously allowed 12000).
  • Database: Supports long database names.
  • General: Ensures dialog boxes created in viewable area on dual-monitor system.
  • General: Ensures window created in viewable area on dual-monitor system.
  • General: Gets server time using UTC for workstations in other time zones.
  • Userlist: Global user can edit user's LOGIC.INI file from userlist.

Version 9.00.45:

  • E-mail: Can handle message lines up to 1024 characters as per RFC2822.
  • E-mail: Config shows correct default for reply-type.
  • E-mail: Does not include directory name in attachment description when sending.
  • E-mail: Text passed to HTML viewer/editor in UTF-8 format, eliminating the need to add META tag specifying the character set (caused some workstations to display raw HTML text with tags showing).
  • Scheduler: Positions selection on newly entered appointment.
  • To-do: Fixed problem where the contents of the initially selected list not shown.
  • Database: Removed extra space at top of printout.
  • General: Notepad, Database,Cardex name displayed left-most on title bar.

Version 9.00.44:

  • E-mail: Automatically adds outbound e-mail address to whitelist.
  • E-mail: Hyperlinks in plaintext marked correctly when using utf-8 character set.
  • E-mail: Open-with opens attachment with application selected from dialog similar to Windows Explorer.
  • E-mail: Open-with (extended) opens attachment with application selected from full list of applications.
  • E-mail: When pressing Enter after selecting item from picklist, text entered is replaced by selected item (so upper/lower case is corrected).

Version 9.00.43:

  • E-mail: Can specify message subject in auto-reply.
  • E-mail: Does not allow all users to be selected in address books if AllowAllUser set to disabled.
  • E-mail: Does not report SMTP error if first EHLO or AUTH failed.
  • E-mail: Fixed problem opening attachment with another application.
  • E-mail: Uses wider combobox dropdown for list of personalities.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem with appointments not printing to next page.
  • General: Uses last known values if error reading from INI file.

Version 9.00.42:

  • E-mail: Spell checker shows misspellings found in HTML message in its own context window.
  • E-mail: Header lines that consist of only spaces are treated as header lines.
  • E-mail: Corrected deadlock problem with two computers accessing same mailbox at the same time, e.g., when running from home and the office.
  • E-mail: UIDs are assigned in date order if multiple UIDs are being assigned to correct for differences in non-Office-Logic IMAP/POP client implementations.
  • E-mail: Highlighting URLs in plaintext when CR/LF is more consistent.
  • E-mail: Shows complete list of viewer applications.
  • E-mail: Suppresses display of leading spaces in subject field and sender field in message list.
  • E-mail: Displays error message if attempting to block message with no sender field.
  • E-mail: Date in "Received" header used for message list, if present, instead of DATE field to prevent misrepresentation intended to influence sort orders.
  • E-mail: Text found in parenthesis ignored in date field.
  • E-mail: Non-breaking space treated as space in HTML to plaintext conversion.
  • General: Works with Windows 98.
  • General: Fixed issue with Bulletin restore showing incorrect characters.

Version 9.00.41:

  • E-mail: Added feature to import auto-complete e-mail addresses from Outlook.
  • E-mail: Added missing quote to Content-Type line.
  • E-mail: Creates mailboxes when importing from Outlook even if empty.
  • E-mail: Fixed problem with LOGIC.EMB left open when mailbox read and write happens simultaneously.
  • E-mail: Fixed problem with first few characters being lost when message copied.
  • Scheduler: Does not read updated attendee status after appointment deleted.

Version 9.00.40:

  • E-mail: Added "DirectDeliver" setting to Email section of OL.INI to disable direct delivery.
  • E-mail: Added configuration to disable the background refresh of mailboxes.
  • E-mail: Allows columns in message list to be sized to nothing.
  • E-mail: Creates temporary extracted attachment with different filename if sharing violation.
  • E-mail: Displays plaintext message body using specified character set.
  • E-mail: Hyperlinks and e-mail addresses in header can be clicked.
  • E-mail: Ignores font tags when checking for blank (empty) HTML message.
  • E-mail: Message header displayed using Richtext editor.
  • E-mail: Uses smaller block size to read message header for increased performance.
  • General: Buffers last 256K of data to minimize re-reading of file.
  • General: Can disable all sound or popup notifications from "General Configuration" (General Configuration can be accessed after selecting Window-Close All)
  • General: Can specify in OL.INI the number of days before passwords expire and must be changed.
  • General: Uses Richtext editor 2.0.
  • Scheduler: Can create new appointments from monthly and weekly view without opening daily.
  • Scheduler: Can delete appointments from scheduler monthly and weekly views.
  • Scheduler: Does not display floating private appointments overlaid from other users.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem with garbage chars drawn when column is too small.
  • Scheduler: Moved appointment location and private fields to top of "Edit appointment" window.
  • Scheduler: Shows deleted appointments in gray in monthly and weekly views.
  • Scheduler: When selecting appointment on different day, previous selection cleared.

Version 9.00.39:

  • E-mail: Defaults to PERSONAL address book when saving addresses. Will still "remember" the last address book that was used if not still at the default. The previous default was the "Global Shared" address book.
  • E-mail: Marks messages as answered when replied or forwarded from read message window after opening the message and reflects the change back to the message list window.
  • General: Attempts auto-login first if username but no password on command line for backward compatibility with old shortcuts. If successful, sets "Auto-login using network username" to "on" for the current logged in network user. If it  fails, sets the value to "off". It will then attempt a standard login with the value on the commandline that is shown in "user=xxxx". If "user=xxxx" and "pass=xxxx" are present then none of this applies.
  • General: Blank passwords can be used with client-server if the IP address is listed in the AllowNet.TXT.
  • Scheduler: Remembers last setting of "Do not send email to attendees".

Version 9.00.38:

  • E-mail: Added button to view plaintext when reading message.
  • E-mail: Added command to insert text only from clipboard into HTML editor.
  • E-mail: Added context menu item to insert text only from clipboard into HTML editor.
  • E-mail: Can drag sub-mailbox back to root level.
  • E-mail: Does not delete message if user cancels adding to blocklist.
  • E-mail: Positions workweek on proper week when first day displayed is Monday in Work Week View.
  • E-mail: Removed seldom used "Order" dialog.
  • General: Added "Auto-login using network username" to login settings.
  • General: Adding "ClientAutoLogin=1" to Logic section of OL.INI will cause clients to attempt auto-login using network username at next login.
  • General: Can specify CLIENTAUTOLOGIN or AUTOLOGIN on command line.
  • General: Shows previous value when attempting to rename.
  • Scheduler: Added Agenda view to scheduler.
  • Scheduler: Can click on days of week to select daily view from Work Week View.
  • Scheduler: Sorts user appointments to the left of shared appointments in Daily View.

Version 9.00.37:

  • Database: List columns resizable.
  • Database: Long database names now allowed.
  • E-mail: Can set default template to be used automatically when composing new messages.
  • E-mail: Does not reset column positions when starting minimized.
  • E-mail: Long personality names now allowed.
  • E-mail: Long template names now allowed.
  • E-mail: Recognizes character set specified for HTML messages to fix Internet Explorer misbehavior.
  • E-mail: Saves sort order to EMB file immediately.
  • E-mail: Separated e-mail configuration items into several tabbed pages for better readability.
  • E-mail: Specifies which character set used in sent HTML message to fix Internet Explorer misbehavior.
  • Notepad: Font can be selected in notepad list.
  • Notepad: List columns resizable.
  • Notepad: Long notepad names now allowed.
  • Scheduler: Added menu item and CTRL-S key to toggle "Show shared appointments".
  • Scheduler: Floating appointments limited to using half of window height.
  • Scheduler: Floating appointments shown in multiple columns if necessary.
  • Scheduler: Sorts appointments by username if time & subject are the same.
  • To-do: Long to-do list category names now allowed.

Version 9.00.36:

  • E-mail: Attempts to locate recipient in address books when entering or selecting e-mail address in compose window. This ensures that history will be updated.
  • E-mail: Can edit Office-Logic InterChange content filters. (available in Office-Logic InterChange v4.02 or later)
  • E-mail: Does not truncate IMAP and POP error messages.
  • E-mail: Marks URLs when performing plaintext to HTML conversion.
  • E-mail: Performance improved when processing rules with multiple "Message body contains" conditions.
  • E-mail: Shows e-mail address when hovering over recipient in compose window.
  • E-mail: When opening mailbox, re-uses one that is already open to avoid sharing violation.
  • Scheduler: Does not show category of private appointment.
  • Scheduler: Notes not shown for private appointments.
  • Userlist: Search/replace works on e-mail address.

Version 9.00.35:

  • E-mail: Does not give exception error when printing long lines in email.
  • General: Adds "Switched to by user" entry in USER.LOG file.
  • Scheduler: Fixed issue with notes showing on tooltip for appointments that are marked as private.

Version 9.00.34:

  • E-mail: Added ALT-Y hotkey to get to the message body when composing.
  • E-mail: Auto-redirect rule sends a near-exact copy of the original message.
  • E-mail: Corrected issue when printing richtext (HTML) messages when sending.
  • E-mail: Immediately reports to user any errors in sending SMTP mail.
  • E-mail: SMTP sending is retried every 3 minutes until it is successful.

Version 9.00.33:

  • E-mail: Fixed potential deadlock when mailbox refresh cancelled.
  • E-mail: Save Address option remembers last address book selected.
  • E-mail: Tabs recognized in header as continuation lines.
  • General: No longer references "USER" environment variable.
  • Scheduler: Makes sure copy of appointment is made if dragging to another user.

Version 9.00.31:

  • E-mail: Can use SaveAs to write raw message file if .MSG extension selected.
  • E-mail: Does not strip HEAD content from Html message.
  • E-mail: If CTRL key down when Copy-to-Clipboard selected, raw message copied.
  • E-mail: If recipient added twice, it is removed from previous list.
  • Scheduler: A copy is made when dragging global appointments.
  • Scheduler: Tooltip shows whether appointment is global.

Version 9.00.29:

  • Scheduler: Pressing Alt-G goes to General tab in appointment edit.

Version 9.00.28:

  • Database: Adds to contact history when contact is first created.
  • Database: Database names can be up to 64 characters.
  • E-mail: Added "Jump to &URL" option to preview context menu.
  • E-mail: Added "Jump to URL" to HTML context menu.
  • E-mail: Added buttons to select recipients in compose window.
  • E-mail: Added feature for color-coding of e-mail messages.
  • E-mail: Added feature to automatically show available recipients as you type.
  • E-mail: Added feature to copy message to another mailbox.
  • E-mail: Added feature to import e-mail from mailbox (MBX) files.
  • E-mail: Added feature to link contact to an e-mail folder.
  • E-mail: Added rule action to copy message to box.
  • E-mail: Added rule for color-coding of e-mail messages.
  • E-mail: Added rule to copy message to another mailbox.
  • E-mail: Adds e-mail address to global whitelist if "GlobalWhitelist" in "[Email]" section of OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Always forwards plaintext when forwarding HTML.
  • E-mail: Attachments displayed and can be opened from preview window.
  • E-mail: Auto-forwarding to small device sends 1000 characters of plain-text.
  • E-mail: Automatically adds to global whitelist if "GlobalWhitelist=1" added to [Email] section of OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Can change font of preview window information.
  • E-mail: Can compose message from global user but cannot send.
  • E-mail: Can configure category color and captions.
  • E-mail: Can configure which e-mail headers are shown when reading or printing.
  • E-mail: Can display message body from rule by including %b in display text.
  • E-mail: Can handle header lines up to 1024 characters as per RFC2822.
  • E-mail: Can import multiple address books.
  • E-mail: Can select "Jump to URL" when reading HTML messages.
  • E-mail: Can select font used to display message header.
  • E-mail: Can use "Page Down" key to get to message body.
  • E-mail: Can use F7 key for spell check in HTML editor.
  • E-mail: Correctly restores which levels in mailbox tree are expanded.
  • E-mail: Default font for HTML compose specified as HtmlFont in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Deletes message when "Block" is selected.
  • E-mail: Displays images if message only contains inline images.
  • E-mail: Does not show shared boxes if shared directory disabled.
  • E-mail: Does not uppercase attachment names before sending.
  • E-mail: Encodes html tag characters in reply text.
  • E-mail: Extract directory defaults to temporary directory.
  • E-mail: Fixed lockup when printing some messages with header line continuations.
  • E-mail: Fixed possible exception when forwarding messages with long lines.
  • E-mail: Inbox for all users kept in "Inbox" directory.
  • E-mail: Includes original "cc:" recipients in reply text.
  • E-mail: Indicates whether distribution list is global during recipient selection.
  • E-mail: Mailbox limitation increased to 32767 e-mail messages. 
  • E-mail: New-mail notifications queued to avoid deadlock during packet receive.
  • E-mail: No longer includes "Content-Disposition: inline" in mime partition (Blackberry gateway gives problems).
  • E-mail: Option "Make Office-Logic your default e-mail program" setting shows correct value.
  • E-mail: Prompts user whether to import each address book.
  • E-mail: Properly enables "Jump to URL" menu item.
  • E-mail: Queues messages displayed by rules until they can be displayed.
  • E-mail: Re-stamps date/time on message when placed in deleted folder.
  • E-mail: Refreshes mailbox in background thread.
  • E-mail: Removes <HEAD> tag rather than removing HTML text before <BODY> or <HTML> tag.
  • E-mail: Removes null characters from message text.
  • E-mail: Save to address book supports multiple address books.
  • E-mail: Saves command line attachments to OL temp directory with original name.
  • E-mail: Search occurs in the background while the user does other things.
  • E-mail: Semicolons allowed as separators in list of e-mail addresses.
  • E-mail: Sends e-mail in background thread.
  • E-mail: Shows attachment names on e-mail message printout.
  • E-mail: Shows list of attachments in preview window.
  • E-mail: Updates all indexes associated with address book.
  • E-mail: When EMB file changes outside of InterChange, copy of EMB file in memory is replaced with the one from  the file.
  • E-mail: Will archive all sent mail when "ArchiveDir" specified in OL.INI.
  • E-mail: Zero-length boundary treated as no boundary.
  • General: Added 3D looking richtext button.
  • General: Added menu item to explore temporary directory.
  • General: Added setting in OL.INI to require password to meet password requirements before user can login.
  • General: Added status bar history button to bottom left.
  • General: Attempts drop into window even if cursor shows not allowed.
  • General: Attempts to login to host with network user if no password given.
  • General: Can specify TEMP= parameter on command line.
  • General: Keeps history of lines displayed in status bar.
  • General: Keeps user log file open unless no activity for 5 seconds.
  • General: Login screen includes logo.
  • General: Max memo size is 4MB when running on NT/2000/XP platform.
  • General: Moves application window back onto screen if off edge.
  • General: Moves dialog window back onto screen if off edge.
  • General: Office-Logic Remote can connect to comma separated list of hosts.
  • General: Password comparison case-insensitive.
  • General: Retrieves date/time from Office-Logic Host when using client/server.
  • General: Uses palette for 256 color displays.
  • Phone: Added new phone status of "Urgent".
  • Scheduler: Added "Today", "Show shared", "Show deleted" to right-click menus.
  • Scheduler: Added title bar to daily view allowing previous and next days to be selected.
  • Scheduler: Added title bar to monthly view allowing previous and next month to be selected.
  • Scheduler: Added title bar to weekly view allowing previous and next week to be selected.
  • Scheduler: Added work-week view to scheduler.
  • Scheduler: Allows iCalendar object to replace appointment even if sequence number is the same.
  • Scheduler: Appointment location follows subject in search results.
  • Scheduler: Appointments can be dragged and dropped in monthly view.
  • Scheduler: Appointments can be dragged and dropped in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Arrow keys can be used to navigate to previous/next months.
  • Scheduler: Can configure category color and captions.
  • Scheduler: Can configure colors and fonts in daily view.
  • Scheduler: Can configure colors and fonts in monthly view.
  • Scheduler: Can configure colors and fonts in schedule views.
  • Scheduler: Can configure colors and fonts in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Can have multiple e-mail addresses on appointment reminder.
  • Scheduler: Can print schedule search results.
  • Scheduler: Can print schedule search results.
  • Scheduler: Can select and open individual appointments in monthly view.
  • Scheduler: Can select and open individual appointments in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Can select first day of week to show in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Can select whether to show shared appointments or not.
  • Scheduler: Can select whether to show shared appointments or not.
  • Scheduler: Can select whether to show shared appointments or not.
  • Scheduler: Can select whether to show shared appointments or not.
  • Scheduler: Can select which days of week to show in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Can show weekends in one box in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Category/color can be assigned to individual appointments.
  • Scheduler: Configuration organized into daily, work-week, weekly, monthly sections.
  • Scheduler: Corrects interval of 12 when importing yearly Outlook appointment.
  • Scheduler: Creates new UID when any new group appointment is created.
  • Scheduler: Daily view shows appointments graphically as blocks so duration and conflicts are easier to visualize.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem unlinking recurring reminders in schedule file.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem with deleting individual occurrences of group appointment.
  • Scheduler: Fixed problem with modifying individual recurrences of recurring group appointment.
  • Scheduler: If a user re-shares a shared schedule, other users still cannot view it unless the schedule owner gives  permission to them.
  • Scheduler: Previous and next month calendars always show at top and bottom.
  • Scheduler: Selecting view from schedule menu also makes it the default view.
  • Scheduler: Shows appointments in yellow boxes outside of month.
  • Scheduler: Shows indicator when more appointments exist than can be displayed in daily view.
  • Scheduler: Shows indicator when more appointments exist than can be displayed in monthly view.
  • Scheduler: Shows indicator when more appointments exist than can be displayed in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Shows tooltip with appointment details in daily view.
  • Scheduler: Shows tooltip with appointment details in monthly view.
  • Scheduler: Shows tooltip with appointment details in weekly view.
  • Scheduler: Supports global alarms and reminders.
  • Scheduler: Tab key can be used in daily view to cycle through appointments.
  • Scheduler: When opening recurring appointment, asks whether to open series.
  • To-do: Fixed problem with some to-do list entries not showing.
  • Userlist: Deletes ACCOUNTS.TXT if no accounts defined.
  • Userlist: When using extra POP accounts, does not leave messages on server unless configured.

Version 8.09:

  • E-mail search results was showing blank line for one of the results.
  • * ClientMode in OL.INI was not permanently setting client/server mode.
  • Before dialing with Tapi, fix-up phone number for dialing rules.
  • If "From:" header is blank, gets sender from "Received:" header.
  • Search/replace in userlist also does POP account.
  • Supports attachment name continuations as per RFC2231.
  • Does not skip HTML text before <BODY> or <HTML> tag.
  • Allows 10 characters to be typed into database date field.

Version 8.08:

  • To-do changed so that unchecking the "floating" check box will reset the due date according to the default settings.
  • To-do does not reset display date when floating checked/unchecked or when date "picker" was used.
  • Office-Logic Groupware Usernames not restricted to SMF naming convention i.e., names can contain up to 15 alpha/numeric/symbol characters except for "*" (asterisk), "?" (question mark), """ (double quote), "/" (forward slash), "\" (back slash), "|" (pipe character), "<" (less than), ">" (greater than), "," (comma), and : (colon). However, we still recommend discretion when creating usernames to avoid confusion. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Temporary extracted attachments marked read-only to prevent users from saving files over the temporary  copy. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Removed "(all users)" item from user list so that selecting "All users" in the recipient dialog doesn't also  select the (All) item and send the messages twice.
  • Does not SMTP authenticate if no Office-Logic password defined so that sending uses the POP password instead. Some servers don't let you try more than once to authenticate and the default is: Office-Logic password first, POP password second.
  • Reply text surrounded by DIV and FONT tags to correct "changing font" when doing a reply.
  • Can add menu item that allows user to be selected so that e.g., you can have a "Everyone's Scheduler"  item that allows anyone to view any other user's schedule without knowing any passwords. This is helpful for some sites where it is impractical to add each user's schedule to the menu. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Selecting "Run Now" from rules gives warning before running that the selected rule will be run against ALL messages in the INBOX, regardless of whether the "Process" is set to "New messages" or "All messages daily at startup".
  • Added HTML print, page-setup, save-as to pull-down menu.
  • Temporary directory defaults to Windows temporary directory.
  • User mail sub-directory can be configured to something other than MHS. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.) 
  • Shared mailbox drawn in gray if not available. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Shared mailboxes can be disabled by adding an INI entry to OL.INI. [EMAIL] section: SHARED=0. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Removes all non-digits before dialing phone number with TAPI.
  • Attachments compressed with DZIP32 DLL instead of requiring an external "ZIP" program. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Toolbar drawn as gradient if better than 256 color. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • * User maintenance search/replace record locking corrected for client/server.
  • Never adds item #0 to listbox because of Microsoft bug that would "hide" first item in some lists.
  • Option to not send mail to attendees saved with the appointment. 
  • Overrides default when changing an existing appointment.
  • Opens schedule files in read-only mode if read-write fails. Allows network to set read-only so someone other than owner/allowed can't make changes.
  • Added feature to manage Palm licenses from user maintenance. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Option in Contacts/Database to "Show deleted" shows ONLY deleted records. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Browses by record number when showing only deleted records since these records are no longer indexed by other index files. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Mouse wheel works smoother in database record view. (This is a version 9 feature that is being included.)
  • Days with appointments shown in bold on Daily view Month thumbnail.

Version 8.07:

  • OL/Remote can request receipt when sending e-mail.
  • Added feature to configure font and color for rule display messages.
  • Background colors can be configured from menu.
  • Can change background color of mailbox list.
  • Can change background color of e-mail message list.
  • Returns message immediately if message too large for SMTP server.
  • Reports size of message to SMTP server.
  • Continuously retries re-connecting if connection failure.
  • Shows settings button after connection or login failed.
  • Can decode Base64 lines broken in irregular places.
  • Reminders not duplicated on appointments with more than 1 reminder.
  • Reminder re-index includes today's reminders.
  • Reminder re-index skips deleted appointments.
  • Rule display message not limited to 255 chars.
  • Can use "%r" in rule display message text for new-line.
  • Allows for UU-encoded messages to be forwarded.
  • Ignores applefile partitions inside of appledouble partition.
  • Does not show UU-encoded data from message body.
  • Check spelling when sending checkbox was showing wrong setting.
  • When previewing messages, does not extract images until displayed.
  • Fixed problem where phone message could not be deleted because record locked.
  • Decodes URL for HTML images to be included as attachments.
  • Client mode on command line overrides all other settings.
  • Spell check on send can be overridden from OL.INI.
  • Mail sent by resource user not saved to sent items folder.
  • Log file uses fixed date/time format of hh:mm:ss.
  • Rule "display message" action will display maximum of 25 windows.
  • Added "Global Configuration" to menu to edit OL.INI file from user maintenance.
  • Password obscured when typing new password.
  • Can show deleted records in database.
  • Can un-delete deleted records in database.
  • Can browse database in list view by record number.
  • Appointment location shown in daily view.

Version 8.06:

  • Uses new password decryption when sending SMTP.
  • Un-blocks Windows XP personal firewall when program starts.
  • Added setting to use old (legacy) recipient selection.
  • Clicking in richtext message body properly activates window.
  • Can retrieve richtext template into composed plaintext message.
  • Fixed problem where mailbox not written back to LOGIC.EMB.
  • * Shared folders supported by client-server.
  • Shared folders enabled by default.
  • Retries opening message file if sharing violation.
  • Highlights correct item after deleting multiple items.
  • Highlights correct item after deleting first item from Read window.
  • Enabled WAN support.
  • Client reconnects without losing last packet sent.
  • * Reduced client/server timeout to 1 minute.
  • Option for "Make Office-Logic your default e-mail program" defaults to ON.
  • Does not eat mouse click when switching from one window to another.
  • Makes sure destination mailbox exists before POP sync.
  • Reply recognizes multiple To: and CC: fields.
  • Database selection criteria now allows "Contains" condition.
  • * Client/server performance improved.

Version 8.05:

  • Userfile not left open at login.
  • Fixed problem when adding a new word to the spell check dictionary.
  • * Placing ClientMode=1 into OL.INI forces into client/server mode regardless of previous setting.
  • Creates USER.LOG if file not found.
  • Remote syncs Foxpro database .FPT memo file if present.
  • * Does not start point-to-point communications if client/server mode.
  • Can select user "(all)" from address book to address message to all users.
  • Can enter "(all)" in compose window to specify all users.
  • Default button is "Go" when search text entered.
  • Added hotkey 'U' to mark e-mail message as un-read.
  • Mailbox properly refreshed when deleting open e-mail message.
  • Makes sure phone message record locked before deleting.
  • Includes in e-mail header which application processed rule.
  • Mailbox names can be up to 160 chars.
  • SSL connection automatically reconnects when lost.
  • * Client/server re-connect dialog not shown as top-most window.
  • Retains last INI file values read if file cannot be opened.

Version 8.04:

  • * Added support for Client/Server in SSL mode.
  • Auto-forward subject rule also includes first 200 chars of body.
  • Added feature to import mail from Outlook and Outlook Express.
  • Does not report error deleting if file not found.
  • Closes HTML mail message before printing starts.
  • Correctly limits number of characters when taking phone message.

Version 8.03:

  • Performance improved when spell checking richtext message.
  • Automatically generates comments when adding to whitelist.
  • Only includes first to-recipient to whitelist.
  • Allows comments to be edited in whitelist.
  • Search dialog shows correct mailbox when local and network boxes have same name.
  • Does not show file-not-found when looking for new messages.
  • with number of un-read messages not being displayed if bulletins window opened first.
  • Chat allows long lines to be pasted into conversation.

Version 8.02:

  • Allows replaceable parameters %LOGICUSER%, %LOGICDIR%, and %LOGICMAIL% in temp directory variables.
  • Can set initial font to be used when composing HTML message.
  • Font menu option allows setting one of several fonts.
  • Added setting to OL.INI and LOGIC.INI to save attachments to Sent Items folder.

Version 8.01:

  • Writes data as packet burst to host.
  • Reads address book data in batches for better performance.
  • Reads schedule file data in batches for better performance.
  • Fixed problem with opening attachments after images viewed.
  • Fixed problem with showing garbled reminder text.
  • Displays multipart/mixed contents correctly when missing <BODY> tag.
  • Improved performance when printing HTML messages.
  • Updates unread message count when messages retrieved from POP.
  • Keeps deleted flag intact when converting database.
  • Reads multiple to-do list records at a time for performance.
  • Fixed problem decoding some binhex attachments.
  • Pop synchronize cancelled if error opening existing LOGIC.UID.
  • Spell checker global lexicons located in program directory.

Version 8.00:

  • Chat uses single conversation window instead of separate areas for each user.
  • Chat can be configured to automatically answer without showing caller.
  • Chat shows time of last missed call.
  • Chat automatically retries when locating user.
  • Chat plays inbound and outbound message sounds.
  • Added "Edit-Insert Signature (CTL-G)" menu item.
  • Database record locks do not wait.
  • Saves last do-not-disturb text entered.
  • Cannot click outside window when asking whether to send receipt.
  • Flags message as "answered" if reply, forward or redirect.
  • Caches user file in memory.
  • Defaults to automatically marking users in or out at startup and exit.
  • Does not exception if cannot open message when emptying trash.
  • Delivery method (to,cc,bcc) default in recipients dialog determined by which line was clicked on to enter  dialog.
  • Spell checking highlights mis-spelling in subject.
  • Does not truncate notes in vCalendar object.
  • Recognizes /n in vCalendar object.
  • Can change font of window pane in e-mail by right-clicking on it.
  • Re-ordered menus and added separators.
  • Improved performance when reading and deleting e-mail messages.
  • Allows address book to be selected when saving addresses.
  • Email notification if new message in IMAP mailbox.
  • Search dialog includes draft folder in list of folders.
  • Requests receipt from bcc recipients if "cc Receipt" checked.
  • Positions tree control on new mailbox when created.
  • Auto-expands tree branches during drag-drop.
  • Shows number of un-read messages in blue.
  • Mouse wheel controls window mouse pointer is hovering over.
  • Can use mouse wheel for database browsing.
  • Can use mouse wheel in monthly view.
  • Can use mouse wheel in weekly view.
  • Can use mouse wheel in month/year controls.
  • Can use mouse wheel in cardex.
  • Can use mouse wheel in calendar control.
  • Can reverse to/from column for individual mailboxes 
  • Ignores duplicate users in shared calendars.
  • Displays entire 256 character subject in daily view.
  • Saves to correct mailbox when sending.
  • Shows users with middle initial properly in recipient list.
  • Added client/server capability.
  • Added database duplicate remove feature.
  • Added database re-index to menu.
  • Printing daily schedule does not chop last line of notes.
  • In compose window, "Options" button renamed to "Attach".
  • Controls in record view are active, allowing scrolling and clipboard use.
  • Tracking can be disabled by adding "AllowTracking" to OL.INI.
  • Added feature for shared mailboxes.
  • Pre-pends "Fw:" for forwarded e-mail.
  • Added feature for shared mailboxes.
  • "Network" renamed to "Personal" in mailbox tree.
  • Detained mailbox name configurable with "DetainedBox" setting in OL.INI.
  • Added "Clear All" button to database export.
  • Database export selection criteria allows "not-equal" condition.
  • Will not exception if missing part of selection criteria expression.
  • Added HtmlAvailable user setting to disable HTML.
  • Does not ask multiple times to send receipt when extracting.
  • Added feature to suppress offensive and spyware images.
  • Shows correct mailbox hierachy with IMAP mailboxes.
  • Does not leave e-mail address out of recipient list if it starts with one space.
  • Corrected possible exception with large reply text.
  • Database import attempts to line up fields with exact same names.
  • Increased maximum field size for importing Exp addr book.
  • Shows progress when importing Exp addr book.
  • Not sensitive to truncated mime encoded header lines.
  • Recognizes IMAP mailbox hierarchy separator character.
  • Sanitize allows text to be replaced with wildcard contents.
  • Correctly sends draft messages with attachments.
  • Skips hidden and system database definition files.
  • Makes sure temporary directory is writeable.
  • Does not attempt direct delivery if "!" in mail directory.
  • Does not exception when showing bulletins.
  • Bulletin preview pane size is separate setting.
  • Waits up to 10 seconds to find user's LOGIC.INI file.
  • Improved performance when retrieving pop mail and leaving on server.
  • Improved performance when getting list of folder names.
  • Tracking works with RFC822 messages.
  • User config saved in LOGIC.INI instead of registry.
  • Dialogs can be moved to secondary display.
  • Adds line to USER.LOG when user logs into groupware.
  • Uses MAPI stub with OLMAPI.DLL instead of replacing MAPI32.DLL.
  • Can un-delete individual recurrences of appointment.
  • Recurring day-of-week control shows "All" when no days selected.
  • Shows total number of messages in mailbox when selected.
  • Clears e-mail notification even if another box selected.
  • Includes attachments saved with draft message.
  • Toolbar uses 3D looking buttons.
  • New-mail box displayed as "Inbox".
  • IMAP correctly decodes quoted characters in subject line.
  • Allows port to be specified on SmtpHost setting.
  • Any attachments given on the command line are added to topmost compose window.
  • Tech support remote control more automated.
  • E-mail HTML filtered using SANITIZE.TXT before viewing.
  • For performance, only writes changed portion of LOGIC.EMB file.
  • Can print HTML message when sending.
  • If no "To:" recipients specified, then all CC: and BCC: recipients
  • are sent individual messages to one "To:" recipient in each.
  • Added "Delete all messages" to mailbox list context menu.
  • POP mail retrieval timing based on ticks so change to system date/time does not affect mail retrieval.
  • Can separate multiple e-mail addresses with semi-colons.
  • Allows CPU to idle during drag-drop operations
  • Once mailbox filled, only requests recent messages from IMAP server.
  • Added "Select All" feature to e-mail list.
  • Schedule search results shows journal dates.
  • Will not send two receipts if message previewed while reading message.
  • Menu item "Send as attachment" always available.
  • Remotes in groups can be in upper or lower case.
  • Defaults to composing new messages in richtext.
  • Can use SHIFT to select multiple messages after sort order changed.
  • Added configuration for returning read receipts.
  • Keeps track of which branches in mailbox tree are collapsed.
  • Allows sent-items and drafts folders to be searched.
  • E-mail search results shows number of messages selected in status bar.
  • Can change the order of rules by dragging and dropping.
  • Deletes all non-message files when deleting a mailbox.
  • Reply at top defaults to ON.
  • Supports multiple e-mail POP accounts per user.
  • Added user interface for editing whitelist.
  • Limits passwords to 10 characters.
  • Can search detained, drafts and sent-items folders.
  • Can search mailboxes when in compose window.
  • Does not GPF if mailbox name too long.
  • Attachment dialog uses Explorer type file selection.
  • Not sensitive to e-mail address consisting of a single quote.
  • Shows home-2 and work-2 numbers when taking phone message.
  • Does not autoreply to messages marked as "precedence:bulk" or "list".
  • Skips continuation lines in message header when mime decoding.
  • Allows first mime boundary to immediately follow header.
  • Easier to use "Technical Support Remote Control" option.
  • Added button to insert signature at cursor position.
  • Added feature to save to mailbox when sending.
  • Added feature to print message when sending.
  • Recipient selection redesigned to support multiple address books.
  • Menu item "Remote List" renamed to "Address Book".
  • Can edit address book from recipient selection.
  • Can save selected recipients to distribution list.
  • Shows preview information with From,To,Cc,Subject,Date.
  • Shows message size.
  • Added whitelist "Detained" folder.
  • Added whitelist "Allow" and "Block buttons".
  • Mailbox contents saved whenever a change is made.
  • Mailbox contents re-loaded whenever file date/time changes.
  • Includes original To: and Cc: when forwarding message.
  • Writes local messages as RFC822.
  • Does not truncate message with invalid quoted-printable text.
  • Supports compressed binhex header.
  • All sent message added to "Sent Items" folder.
  • Mailbox full message was showing wrong box name.
  • Can forward attachments that are e-mail messages.
  • Added setting to enforce minimum password length.
  • No longer prompts to make changes to Infinite InterChange or C2.
  • Fixed possible exception error when printing e-mail.

Version 7.13:

  • Shows error if problem reading attachment when sending message.
  • Shows number of new messages in Bulletin inbox.
  • Does not warn if overwriting file in temporary extract folder.
  • Fixed possible exception when adding file to temporary extract list.
  • Ignores attachments that are apple resource files.
  • Ignores filename on boundary, was causing some attachments not to show.
  • Corrected IMAP search.
  • All HTTP-EQUIV tags are removed when loading HTML message body.
  • If ArchiveMAPI= is set in OL.INI, then all messages originated from MAPI are archived.
  • If ArchiveMAPIAttach= is set in OL.INI, then all message attachments originated from MAPI are archived.
  • Imports phone and notes from ExpressIt address book.
  • Imports email addresses from within {} brackets in ExpressIt address book.
  • Fixed potential schedule file corruption.
  • If SmtpUser= and SmtpPass= are set in OL.INI, they will be used first to authenticate all users.
  • Upper-cases necessary fields when importing database.
  • Closes LDAP directory server file when done.
  • Added appointment export feature.
  • Ignores window positions if outside of screen.
  • Resets notification sounds if the files do not exist.
  • HTML to plaintext conversion corrected.
  • Strips out text inside of <XML> tags when converting to plaintext.
  • Strips out text inside of <STYLE> tags when converting to plaintext.
  • Removes invalid characters from temporary extract filename.
  • Changed hotkey for Forward to F.
  • Changed hotkey for Reply-All to A.
  • Opens messages in read-only deny-none if read-write fails.
  • Returns error when problem writing to mime encoded file.
  • When doing a reply-all to a forwarded message, previous recipients not included.
  • Fixed exception error when uppercasing foreign characters.
  • Re-wrote menu editor to use tree control.
  • Menu editor allows submenu descriptions to be edited.
  • Menu editor allows items to be dragged.
  • Fixed possible GPF when loading corrupt menu file.
  • Uses file size in file header when allocating database memo records.
  • Can open global appointments from search results list.
  • Increased max record size for contact databases to 2048.
  • Ignores specified boundary if not multipart message.

Version 7.12:

  • Appointments are pasted onto correct date.
  • Schedule sharing limited to 6 levels deep.
  • Does not show error when deleting non-existant file.
  • Fixed possible exception when decrypting passwords.
  • When selecting app to view attachment, uses key name if description missing.
  • Clears unused fields when adding cancellation record.
  • Case insensitve search for remotes in groups.

Version 7.11:

  • No "bcc:" prefix in subject when message sent with no To: recipient.
  • No path included in attachment name.
  • Phone messages can be copied onto clipboard.
  • No limit on length of highlighted URLS.
  • No limit on length of MAILTO: address.

Version 7.10:

  • Properly decodes mime attachment with blank file name.
  • Reports given-name and surname in LDAP search results.
  • Does not wait when locking database records.
  • Does not lose POP uid association table if connection lost.
  • Can import schedule from Outlook.

Version 7.09:

  • Schedule window refreshed periodically.
  • Locks database memo file while appending.
  • If end time set to less than start time, then appointment becomes multiday continuous.
  • Appointment start time shown on combo printout.
  • Appointment start time and end time shown on daily printout.
  • Error given if schedule file has incorrect header.
  • If no user email address, one is built properly using default domain.
  • Reply-all excludes current user.
  • Passwords encrypted differently so they can be properly decrypted.
  • Trailing dots after file extension ignored.
  • Database list view does not take focus when mouse pointer moved over window.
  • Database list view extra space at bottom of window cleared.
  • Database list view scroll bar has correct range.
  • Does not skip any files when emptying trash.

Version 7.08:

  • Will treat message body as attachment when content type is "application".
  • Properly decodes BinHex encoded attachments.
  • Weekly view is restored with correct columns even when minimized.

Version 7.07:

  • Alarms function properly for recurring appointments.
  • Added capability to re-index reminders.

Version 7.06:

  • Corrected problem with some POP passwords not working.
  • Increased serial queue size for using Remote over modem.
  • Remote was never completing sync when schedule disabled.
  • Deleting database record in list view properly updates screen.
  • Instructs file system to commit database record changes immediately.
  • Box names cannot contain " - " for compatibility with WebMail.

Version 7.05:

  • Recipients of HTML email sent to local users contain Office-Logic usernames, not full email addresses.
  • Can import address book from Outlook Express.
  • Can restrict extraction of executable attachments.
  • Added new database fields.
  • New database page inserted after current selected page.
  • Field marked read-only only if other read-write fields found.
  • Fields not properly aligned in record view.
  • Hotspot for email addr or phone number only to left of field.
  • Does not search overlayed schedules unless specified.
  • Windows are restored with proper global user information.

Version 7.04:

  • Properly expands email address with replaceable parameters.
  • Unique keyword always assigned when importing from Outlook.

Version 7.03:

  • Increase field size on screen to allow for longer phone numbers.
  • Can import address book from Outlook.
  • Length of field on screen limited only by length in database.
  • Increased maximum database field length to 256 chars.
  • Deletes all .MIM files when LOGIC.EMB deleted.
  • Correct possible GPF when printing schedule.

Version 7.02:

  • Allows activation codes as well as serial number files.
  • Can add new license from within application.

Version 7.01:

  • Added ability to print userlist and grouplist.

Version 7.00:

  • Added global signature to be appended to all outbound email messages.
  • SmtpAuth setting can be set to authenticate as pop account user only.
  • Does not attempt SMTP authentication if not supported.
  • Added database synchronization to OL Remote.
  • OL Remote can "Frequent" phone message.
  • Underlines email,web, phone numbers in record view.
  • Fixed problem with forwarding HTML with no BODY tag.
  • Notification window goes away when selection changed.
  • Sets next reminder recurrence if missed reminder.
  • Supports iCalendar .ICS files.
  • Always writes .ICS and .VCS associations to registry.
  • Added "Use alternate e-mail address" checkbox when editing personality.
  • Writes date when forwarding message.
  • General Configuration option available when no windows open.
  • Appends text within (but not including) HTML tags when sending.
  • No files considered local in HTML unless begin with x: or \\.
  • Adds line to history memo in address book when sending mail.
  • Can automatically create address book database.
  • Deletes data files when deleting database.
  • Any files in {init} folder copied to user directory if they don't already exist.
  • BaseUser and BaseMail settings in OL.INI used as default when creating users. 
  • Dragging fields in database import dialog swaps the fields.
  • Writes X-Priority header.
  • Adds line to history memo in address book.
  • Does not save to archive if user has no mail dir.
  • Will not direct deliver to user if no mail dir.
  • "MAIL FROM:" during SMTP session uses "From" in personality.
  • Expanded default size of "Move Message" dialog.
  • Original message info added to message body when forwarding.
  • Recognizes X-Priority header.
  • Can enable/disable log file from General Configuration.
  • Can compose email with subject up to 255 chars.
  • Pop username can contain '@'.
  • Header field names enclosed in quotes.
  • Doubles quote characters.
  • Accepts mime encoding of "x-uuencode".
  • Increased record size to 512.
  • Increased subject size to 256.
  • Appointments can include a location.
  • MAPI text converted to HTML when sending in richtext.
  • Cannot page up past first record when browsing by rec #.
  • Frequent callers phone number goes into work phone number in address book.
  • Insert,Delete keys can be used when editing rule conditions.
  • Remote list menu option opens address book.
  • Add OL.INI setting RetrievePOP to disable POP3 from workstations.
  • Does not extract temporary copy of attachment until ready to view.
  • Dates can be entered as single value to specify days from today.
  • User list/group list/dir-server windows not restored at startup.
  • Added option to clear database before importing.
  • Attempts to match database fields before showing import dialog.
  • Does not skip inline partitions, even if includes a filename.
  • Continues delivering to other recipients even if one fails.
  • Open-with works with attachments that are email messages.
  • Incorrect email address does not stop draft from being saved.
  • Archive attachment disabled if archive not selected.
  • Can archive attachments.
  • Can write all email to a user as RFC822 only.Reminders are now a tab in appointment edit  window.
  • User schedules can be overlayed.
  • All appointments can have recurring properties.
  • Appointments can be marked private.
  • Appointments can have a location.
  • Can search through overlayed schedules.
  • Can search deleted appointments.
  • Can search for location.
  • Tab control added to appointment edit window.
  • Added schedule import.
  • Fixed problem with adding notes before forwarding phone message.
  • Can view attachments before sending.
  • Fixed divide by zero error when calculating cps.
  • Does not set mail dir for resource.
  • Always adds users to InterChange as LOGIC users.
  • Skips UUE attachments when building message body.
  • Removes any HTTP-EQUIV tags to work with IE6.
  • Reports TCP send/receive error codes to log file.
  • Added initial user attribute to database fields.
  • Identical indexes only shown once in list.
  • Cannot add a username of all spaces.
  • Timeout of 3 minutes when sending/receiving.
  • Can search through 32 lines of cardex record, not just 16.
  • Case insensitive on field names.
  • Clicking on email address composes email message.
  • Clicking on phone number dials number.
  • Added support for multiple pages in record view.
  • Dynamically lays out record view for proportional fonts.
  • Static text and field text can be in different fonts.
  • Added read-only fields.
  • Fields placed in record view do not have to exist in database.
  • Right clicking on 'Local' allows creation of local mailbox.
  • User cannot delete global cardex.
  • Shows temporary directory in about box.
  • HLIST library staticly linked into executable.
  • Prints phone message taker.
  • Recipients in list without a description take the whole line.
  • Setting "Seconds before pre-viewed message marked read" to 0 disables.
  • Added preview pane.
  • Added hierarchical mailboxes capability.
  • Increased maximum box name length.
  • Remote email addresses kept in address bookdatabase.
  • Can import address book from ExpressIT.
  • Added IMAP capability.


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