InterChange v4.x - Product Release Changes
Version 4.18
- Added feature to filter attachments in
compressed (ZIP) files.
- Added feature to block incoming mail using
SURBL (public URI blocking list).
- When receiving mail, does not allow users to
SMTP authenticate if IP address blocked, preventing them from
locking the user account.
- Can create rule to process all messages daily.
- When rule condition is Date, web page shows
"Older than" prompt.
- When rule condition is Time, web page shows
"Between times of" prompt.
- Added rules replacement parameter %a to
represent day of month.
- Reads localization strings directly from web
- Delays distributing mail from shared POP3 if
userlist cannot be accessed.
- Floating appointments represented correctly on
Nokia phone.
- Fixed issue decoding foreign characters in
vcard object.
- Synchronizes "other" phone number
with Funambol client (Blackberry & iPhone).
- Supports synchronizing schedule using Funambol
client (Blackberry).
- Supports "refresh from server" when
using Funambol client (Blackberry).
- Address book sync works with Nokia phone.
- Will not repeatedly keep creating new files in
archive if sharing violation.
Version 4.17
- Fixed issue when forwarding email with embedded
- Fixed issue with overflow in attachment name.
- Discussion list does not modify Smime PKCS7
encoded messages.
- Email header "Sender:" contains full
e-mail address.
- Added checkbox to show user password.
- Does not display blank message if specified
character set not supported.
Version 4.16
- Fixed issue with composing new messages using
- Corrected issue where user was asked twice to
configure program when starting InterChange.
- Added ReverseHttp for web services to make
outbound connection to web proxy server.
- List of code pages kept in CODEPAGE.TXT file.
- Attempts sending to other servers if 400 level
error reported.
- Added capability to route challenge messages to
another mail server.
- Domain appearing in userlist as
"Route" overrides relay host.
- Uses SSL connection if port specified for relay
host is 465.
- Uses temporary certificate when establishing
SSL client connection.
- Uses default cipher set that does not include
anonymous and null ciphers.
- Narrow range by 1 day to stay inside of range
configured in Blackberry otherwise duplication may occur.
- Does not show log entry 'Distributing message'
unless message is to be distributed to list.
- Fixed issue with posting data to Webmail using
- Deletes LOGIC.EMB from archive folder if no
messages left.
- Can specify message subject in auto-reply rule.
- Will not automatically add email address with
asterisk into whitelist.
- Does not get antivirus engine version when
sending success msg because engine may still be loading.
- Includes list of defined users when
synchronizing contacts with SyncML.
- Clearing field data on the SyncML client does
not clear the data on the server unless '*' is used.
- Log shows user name associated with SyncML
- Can simultaneously read INI files in multiple
threads for improved performance.
- Ignores all CRLF characters in Vcard contact
- Logs all messages delivered out of InterChange
to Deliver*.log.
- Does not synchronize location on shared private
- Does not synchronize reminders on shared
- Uses winsock to connect to virus update server
rather than Internet SDK to eliminate dependence on Internet SDK.
- User's advanced settings now allow a per-user
configuration of which recipients to show during recipient
- Ignores everything after semicolon in
discussion list.
- Allows host names to be placed in ALLOWIP,
Version 4.15
- Added shared folder support for Office-Logic
- Added configuration to allow SyncML connections
to not use SSL.
- Corrected problem with not including message
body when rule redirects to small device.
- Move and Copy rule actions support shared
- Ignores rule actions Move and Copy to Inbox.
Version 4.14
- Added configuration list for "Domain
names for which SSL is required to send mail".
- "Maximum number of messages allowed to be
delivered per day per sender" is counted by
authenticated user, not by user specified in "from"
- Service attack counter reset if sender
authenticates or specifies valid recipient.
- Service attack denial not broadened to entire
class C.
- Renamed "Denial of service attack" to
"Service attack".
- IMAP mailbox automatically expunged when closed
(default configuration at user level). Previous behavior was to
never expunge unless specified by client. This fixes the problem
with clients e.g., iPhone that would flag messages
"deleted" but never expunge.
- Fixed problem with creating floating
appointments through web interface.
Version 4.13
- Finds copy of InterChange already
running by looking for Pipe.
- Default values for archiving set to 30
days, 1 day per folder.
- Log files created with a header line
at the top.
- Restricts maximum number of messages
allowed to be delivered per day per sender.
- Improved synchronizing floating
appointments with the Blackberry.
- Improved synchronizing address book
with Funambol sync client.
Added configuration for "Expunge
message immediately when deleted using IMAP"
Reverts to DEFAULT template set for
files that cannot be found in specified template set.
IMAP server supports STARTTLS command.
If a group appointment attendee changes
appointment on handheld, creates duplicate appointment that is not
part of a group.
Version 4.12
- Fixed problem with outbound queued message list
not showing subject.
- Fix possible exception when to-do list notes
missing end marker.
Version 4.11:
- Fixed problem with "Additional file
extensions to filter" not saving value.
- Added feature to pick-up and deliver RFC-822
messages from a specified directory.
- This acts as an API for administrators.
Define the directory in the Sending Options.
- IMAP client mode recognizes "{}" in
folder list returned from IMAP server when running in passthrough
mode or migration.
- Fixes migration problems when going to other
serves e.g., Lotus Notes servers.
- Encodes '\' characters before sending to IMAP
server. See above.
- Uses mime content type from MIMETYPE.TXT for
serving files.
- Allows browser to pick correct viewer
- Cannot authenticate SMTP/POP/IMAP/WEB if user
has no password. Security enhancement.
- Rejects whole message if max number of
recipients reached instead of sending to limit and then stopping.
- Attachment filter will notify the designated
user when a message is placed in their folder because of the filter.
- Concatenates any adjacent BODY elements in HTML
text so it works with the current Rich Text editor.
- Recognizes days forward and days back specified
by Blackberry Sync client so that the range can be set on the device
instead of requiring the user to login and set it through sync
- Setting the range in the WebMail client will
only take effect if the setting in the Sync Client on the phone is
- Does not display floating private appointments
overlaid from other users.
- Does not sync floating private appointments
overlaid from other users.
Version 4.10:
- Updated to improve loading and unloading Norman
Virus engine.
- Recurring days-of-week selected by checkboxes
instead of multi-select to fix problem in iPhone Safari browser..
- Content filter searches through message subject
and body only to prevent false positives from attachments, pictures,
Version 4.09:
- POP/IMAP servers return error if mailbox cannot
be opened.
- Backs up files during SYNCML synchronization
before making changes.
- Corrected memory leak in SYNCML server.
- Secondary inbound SMTP port defaults to 587.
- Does not eat non-delivery messages unless
Auto-Unsubscribe is enabled.
- Fixed possible exception with long subject
lines when processing rules.
Version 4.08: (NOTE: If you have users using
iPhones you need to update to this version)
- Pop server returns messages sorted in the order
they were received to allow client software to rearrange as it
- Changed several FETCH command behaviors to work
around problems in iPhone implementation of IMAP.
- Message list shows received date, not date
specified by sender so that messages are sorted by receive time not
arbitrary time specified by sender.
- Rule auto-reply saved in ANSI charset to fix
foreign characters in rules.
Version 4.07:
- Non-breaking space treated as space in HTML to
plaintext conversion.
- Converts nested BODY tags into DIV tags when
forwarding message. This keeps the text outside the nested body from
disappearing in the HTML editor.
Version 4.06:
- Attachment names can contain any international
- Sends message body using ISO-8859-1 character
set if all characters can be represented for compatibility with
older email clients.
- Can start and stop service from InterChange
- Truncates spaces and linefeeds at end of
username and password given by syncml client.
- Shows error if local user found in index but
user record cannot be read.
- Does not display floating private appointments
overlaid from other users.
Version 4.05:
- Uses new HTML editor for composing richtext
messages in Webmail.
- Outputs web pages using configured character
set (defaults to "Utf-8"). This allows all messages with
foreign characters to be displayed properly no matter what default
character set is configured in the browser.
- Ignores folders under WEBHOSTS with names
ending in ".BAK".
- Folder list pull-down (instead of tree)
displayed on Blackberry browser due to problems with the Blackberry
web browser.
- Uses fully-qualified e-mail address when saving
message to IMAP pass-through Sent-Items folder.
- Uses fully-qualified e-mail address when
relaying mail for pass-through user.
- Specifies utf-8 character set if sending any
messages with non-ascii characters.
- Can specify host, username and password
separated by '!' character for Route domains (50000 user+ license).
- IMAP responses not logged to reduce log file
- IMAP server includes message position in FETCH
response (fixes problem with iPhone).
- Only organizer can change group appointment
from WAASUP or Blackberry.
- Reply text includes original cc: recipients.
- Memory allocations grow by factor of 4 for
better performance.
- Does not clear Office-Logic alias list in
memory if trouble reading file.
- Simplifies sending alert email to your cell
phone as a text message.
Version 4.04:
- Comments allowed in all "lists"
edited from user interface.
- Uses Office-Logic global Content Filter if all
recipients are Office-Logic users in addition to System Content
Uses system content filter when message has
multiple recipients including Office-Logic users?
Closes address book database when synchronization
appears to be done.
Allows challenge text to be up to 1024
Does not save outbound messages from mail client
to "Sent Items" folder if message originated from
Office-Logic client. This means that the User->Advanced setting for
"Save outbound messages from mail client to "Sent
Items" folder" needs to be on for those users that use
"secondary" clients that don't save sent messages
Content filter skips all lines that appear to be
base64 encoded.
Encodes "<" and ">"
characters as &#xx for HTML editor.
Long To-Do list category names allowed.
Version 4.03:
- One recipient that is on the allowed list does
not cause all following recipients to be allowed.
- Added menu item to edit Content Filters.
- Content Filtering in Office-Logic
InterChange is an experimental feature.
- Warning: If you do not
completely understand the wide ranging effect of Content
Filtering on your e-mail, Do Not Use This Feature.
- Added menu item to view content filter logs.
- Added menu item to edit blocked IMAP IP address
- Added support for WAASUP To-Do List
- Corrected possible exception when posting large
message body.
Version 4.02:
- Fixed possible exception when SyncML data
received is truncated.
- Switched to shorter challenge message.
- Corrected problem with public block list not
blocking messages.
- Help system uses HTML files.
- Added content SPAM filtering during message
reception using CONTENT.TXT.
Version 4.01:
- Does not show useless information if no
"To" field.
- Includes "Welcome to Office-Logic
InterChange v4.x" message to all users listing new features.
- Search does not display the Detained folder if
the user is configured not to have access to it.
- Statistics report includes graylist
effectiveness percentage.
Version 4.00.40:
- Supports synchronizing to-do lists through
- Supports SMTP PLAIN authentication mechanism.
- Supports intermediate SSL certificates named
- User confirmation is required before address
book deleted.
- Added feature to send copy of all user's sent
& received mail to another user.
Version 4.00.39:
- Does not rescan detained folder when message
added to detained folder to improve performance on large boxes.
- Fixed possible problem with connection count
becoming negative on web, pop, etc. sessions.
- Corrected possible exception error when editing
reminders in WebMail.
Version 4.00.38:
- Can set maximum hours to attempt delivery of
challenge message.
- Escapes '<' character as '<' instead
of '<" so it works with richtext editor.
- User can select which address books synchronize
with WAASUP client.
- Fixed problem with long subject lines causing
overrun error.
- Misspelling containing multiple hyphenated
words treated as one word.
- Fixed possible exception when retrieving draft
using WAP.
- Multi-threading used for detaining and sending
challenge message.
Version 4.00.37:
- Client only given 3 attempts per connection to
login to POP server.
- Denial of service detection reduces the count
of connections from one IP address if the user authenticates.
- Fixed problem with Proper names being
incorrectly capitalized in address book (Blackberry SyncML).
- Fixed problem locating recipients in userlist
when an e-mail address is specified in user properties.
Version 4.00.36:
- Added denial-of-service attack
detection and prevention for POP server.
- Added list of domain names for which SSL will
not be used to send mail to allow communications with those servers
with defective SSL implementations.
- Corrected overrun error when sending receipts
with long subjects.
- Archives mail to correct directory, not to
directory under "Inbox".
- Corrected overrun error for long recipient
- Archives to monthly mailboxes.
- Shows all authentication attempts with IP
address for troubleshooting.
- Uses updated SSL 0.9.8e library.
Version 4.00.35:
- Keys in E-mail index are all uppercase
for case-insensitive queries.
- Re-indexes all E-mail indexes in
- Can handle header lines up to 1024
characters as per RFC2822.
- Fixed possible overrun error when
local user sends to excessively long e-mail address.
- Translates utf-7 and utf-8 characters
in header lines to ANSI.
- Does not append copy of original
message text unless using WML.
- Makes sure domains are read before
user conversion starts.
Version 4.00.34:
- Fixed problem with jumping to user in
user list by typing the name.
- Fixed problem with deleting users in
user list.
Version 4.00.33:
- Increased timeout after first SYNCML
packet is received, giving SYNCML client more time when it has
plenty of contacts.
- Added workaround for Norman
reading/writing out of bounds.
- Attachment size limits only apply when
local user is sending a message.
- Fixed possible overrun if email
keyword field in database too large.
Version 4.00.32:
- Added configuration to exclude
specified files from being scanned for viruses.
- Added configuration for IMAP
pass-through so it does not issue "search recent" command
to obtain only recent messages but rather fetches full mailbox list
of messages for those using obsolete IMAP servers.
- Case insensitive comparisons work with
foreign characters.
- Does not uppercase characters that
appear after foreign characters.
- Fixed possible exception when SyncML
sync fails but client continues with no user authenticated.
Version 4.00.31:
- Mailbox file LOGIC.EMB kept open while
mailbox updated to avoid duplicates.
- Includes <BODY> tags around
message body when sending HTML msg from WebMail to avoid reply
problems with some clients.
- Closes connection after 5 failed SMTP
authentication attempts to prevent account/password attacks.
- Does not prematurely close
SENTMAIL.TXT file that causes read errors when a sender reaches the
maximum "Max messages per day per sender per recipeint (loop
- Encodes characters outside of the
range 0x20 and 0x7E to handle foreign characters.
- Un-zips only the latest of each
incremental file in the DOWNLOAD dir when a manual virus definition
update is requested.
- Shows POP login failures in log file
with IP address for analysis of account/password attacks.
- Inbox for local users kept in
"Inbox" directory instead of the root of mail failure for
a performance improvement and for future feature enhancments.
- Mailbox hierarchy character for local
users is ".". This is a return to the previous convention
because of incompatibility issues.
- Re-stamps date/time on message when
placed in deleted folder so that trash cleanup is measured from
deleted date instead of message receive date.
Version 4.00.30:
- Supports pipelining of several web
requests over one connection for performance and stability increase.
- Reports number of threads in "too
many connections" error for troubleshooting purposes.
- Web timeout set from 5 minutes to 30
seconds unless using syncml since the increase in timeout is only
needed for syncml.
- No service can use more than 1500
threads to reduce the impact of avoid denial-of-service attacks.
- Removed graceful-close delay to reduce
the number of active threads. The pipelining change decreased the
need for this since it was designed to overcome a Microsoft
- Does not check public blacklist if
recipient in Allow-To list so blacklisted senders will be accepted.
- Updating tree control does not cause
timeout to be reset that prevented web session timeout.
Version 4.00.29:
- Supports incremental updates for
Norman virus scanner.
- Added denial-of-service attack
detection for inbound SMTP sessions.
- Added account expiration date that
effectively prevents logins.
- Inbound mail will still accumulate for
the user.
- Activity log renamed to
"Activity-yyyymmdd.log" from
- Recognizes Office-Logic defined e-mail
addresses as aliases IF they don't match the username. e.g.,
Username: LIZ with E-mail address: LIZ@DOMAIN.COM won't show but
Username: ELIZABETH with E-mail address: LIZ@DOMAIN.COM will
automatically show in ALIAS list.
- Increased buffer size (4K) for LDAP
search replies to accommodate very large LDAP returns.
- Does not create status report when in
monitor mode so that main process will correctly create report.
- Challenge not sent to MAILER-DAEMON.
- Graylist does not delay (costing
spammers time) before dropping connection if server loaded down to
overcome Microsoft shortcoming.
- Denies extra recipients immediately if
too many already given instead of waiting for "DATA"
- Compares email address only (route
stuff in angle brackets) with address book for whitelisting.
- Added setting checkbox "Users
allowed to change global address books".
- If XHTML listed before WML, then HTML
displayed on phone browser.
Version 4.00.28:
- Fixed problem when searching for
"From" so it does not include messages with no from field
in header.
- Shows folder name in search results.
- Can disable richtext editor by browser
through BROWSER.INI.
- Removed duplicate authenticate
Version 4.00.27:
- Hierarchical mail folders (subfolders)
- Stops receiving connections if thread
limit reached (D-O-S protection).
- Drag-drop supported for Internet
Explorer clients for tree control.
- Corrected possible buffer overrun.
Replacement parameter %b can be used for
message body in rule action. Nice for displaying "pop-up"
message on inbound e-mail.
Case-insensitive when checking for
duplicate recipients during delivery to avoid duplicate message
Disables "Convert to
Office-Logic" menu option if no global directory.
Displays cipher strength in log when in
verbose mode.
Can save sent mail to Office-Logic
sent-items folder for those (poor) people using a client that won't
add sent-items and are defined as LOGIC users.
Fixed problem inserting user into empty
Office-Logic userlist.
Vcard object compatible with WAASUP
Can display and delete SyncML licenses.
Does not allow SMTP
authentication if IP address blocked.
Version 4.00.25:
- No longer includes
"Content-Disposition: inline" in mime partition when
sending. (Blackberry gateway gives problems)
- Fixed overrun error when whitelisting
encounters multiple names in from or to headers.
- List of available months to search
starts in 1991.
- If POP AUTH command given with no
mechanism, lists mechanisms.
- Increments POP login failures only if
login failure.
- Mime tokens can be surrounded by
Version 4.00.24:
- Rejection message sent if 500 level
error received at greeting.
- Fixed problem with negative file
positions in mime partition information.
Version 4.00.23:
- Added delay to give the client a
chance to close the connection first.
- Added new Canadian English and
Technical lexicons.
- User logs can grow to 128K.
- Includes "Connection: close"
in failure response.
- Makes sure message is positioned so it
never sends X-SMTP headers.
- Searches whitelist found in
Office-Logic global directory.
- Fixed memory leak in scheduler.
- Can compose new messages using HTML
- Upgraded speller to SSCE 5.16.
- Add to blocklist button also deletes
- Removes null characters from message
- If no mechanism specified during POP
AUTH, assumes CRAM-MD5.
- Logs discussion list activity into
Version 4.00.22:
- Updates local user's EMB file when new
message placed in mailbox.
- Notifies Office-Logic user when new
message placed in mailbox.
- Removes <HEAD> tag rather than
removing HTML text before <BODY> or <HTML> tag.
- When EMB file changes outside of
InterChange, copy of EMB file in memory is replaced with the one
from the file.
- Default max messages per day per
recipient set to 100.
- Fixed typo in delegate message.
- Will not go into re-connect loop when
SELECT command fails.
- IMAP,POP,SMTP shows password used upon
login failure (in verbose mode).
Version 4.00.21:
- IMAP command line can be up to 4MB in
- Added workaround for "'s's"
bug in spell checker.
- Mailbox names can be up to 160 chars.
- Client must wait 15 sec after POP or
IMAP login failure.
Version 4.00.20:
- Encodes release URL in challenge
message so AOL does not filter it.
- Does not filter attachments if
configured not to.
Version 4.00.19:
- Corrected problem with creating
garbled LOGIN folders.
- Expands discussion list into attendees
when added to group appt.
- Added feature to auto-redirect mail to
small device.
- Translates aliases found in
TRANSLAT.TXT to hide the original alias name.
- Tracks messages sent per day per
sender per recipient for loop detection.
- Fixed possible exception error.
Version 4.00.17:
- Limits number of messages a sender can
send per recipient per day to avoid possibility of a mail loop.
- Discussion list can be setup to send
rejection message to unauthorized users.
- Can add setting LogMode=2 in INTER.INI
so log file is written in buffered blocks rather than line-by-line.
Version 4.00.16:
- Automatically set attendee's reminders
if option selected.
- Can configure hostname to appear in
release link in challenge message.
- Duplicate redirection not considered a
- Separate options for scheduler and
mail read-only restriction.
- Added e-mail delegation (change-user)
- Appends discussion list signature at
end of HTML and plain partitions.
- Can configure discussion list to send
errors back to author.
- Truncates extra spaces in username or
password during login.
- Can configure default minutes before
- Can specify e-mail address or cell
phone number for alerts.
- Supports adding attendees from
distribution lists.
- Added TRANSLAT.TXT list for aliases
that are translated.
- Adds "Delegated by" message
at top of message if sent by delegated user.
- Attendee can add/change reminder on
group appointment.
- Can be configured to automatically BCC
another user when a delegated user sends a message.
Version 4.00.15:
- Detained folder cleanup performed on
IMAP and Exchange users.
- Checks user's blocked IP and from
files even if trusted ip address.
Version 4.00.14:
- Checks for ambiguity when adding
wildcard recipients.
- Send/receive timeout for web requests
set to 5 min.
- Displays more descriptive errors when
adding recipients to composed message.
- Whitelist feature enabled by default.
- Relaxed security for status named
- Service does not start if not all
connections restored.
- Attempts to restore connections every
10 seconds for 2 min.
- If a user re-shares a shared schedule,
other users still cannot view it unless the schedule owner gives
permission to them.
- Files in domain directory under INIT
directory copied into user directory at login.
- Reports when password verify with
NT/2000 server failed.
- Result from public blocklist must be
127.x.x.x to block host.
- InterChange service dependent on
Workstation service to start first.
- Can access multiple Office-Logic
address books.
- Statistics selector shown as list
rather than pull-down.
Version 4.00.13:
- Over quota e-mail message body
originates from file OVRQUOTA.TXT.
- Reports errors opening named pipe from
- Searches domain list by host name
first before domain name.
- Reads domain list when in monitor
Version 4.00.12:
- Fixed exception error from invalid
post data.
- CSS files served with content type of
- Added import users from
- If "From:" header is blank,
gets sender from "Received:" header.
- Migrate from IMAP done with multiple
- Migrate from IMAP corrects folder
- Migrate from IMAP duplicate folders
named with _1, _2...
- Rule with no name shown as "(No
- Decompresses Norman update into
temporary directory before applying in case of integrity error.
- Re-establishes lost IMAP connection
and re-selects folder.
Version 4.00.11:
- Authenticates user with LDAP server if
one defined for the domain.
- Verifies that userfile header is not
- Added menu item to edit AllowHelo
- Can restrict number of recipients and
total message size when sending.
- Always shows user associated with web
Version 4.00.09:
- Retries multiple times to update
Norman virus scan engine.
- Attachments that contain CRC errors
treated as damaged viruses.
- Added feature to convert local user to
Office-Logic user.
- Statistics track SMTP inbound
- IMAP server allows authentication
methods to be enabled/disabled.
- Supports attachment name continuations
as per RFC2231.
- Does not skip HTML text before
<BODY> or <HTML> tag.
- Added %d parameter for domain name in
challenge message.
Version 4.00.06:
- Reads/writes INI files directly
instead of using Windows.
- Password comparison works with older
Version 4.00.05:
- Compares passwords correctly even if
zero byte in encrypted password.
- Number of messages in mailbox limit
increased to 65535.
- Dlist can be configured to allow users
in address book to post to the list.
- Can pick user and folder to quarantine
filtered attachments to.
- Cleans up old attachments that were
filtered and quarantined.
- Users can be restricted to sending to
local recipients only.
- Attachment filtering allows additional
extensions to be allowed or denied per-domain and per-user.
- Simplifies forwarding mail to your cell phone as
a text message.
- Makes backup copy of userfile at midnight
- Reports CNAME results when looking up MX record.
- Does not graylist sender if already whitelisted.
- Separator line drawn after text is drawn so it is
not overwritten.
- Uses "From:" field as "MAIL
FROM" when auto-redirecting.
- Clipper indexing not sensitive to corrupted or
unreadable blocks.
- Gets change-user settings for OL users
from "Sched" section of SHARE.INI.
- Send attachments to CC recipients defaults as
- Allows TLS authentication to POP3 server using
STLS command.
- Activity log lines can be up to 512 chars.
- Password change not allowed if external password
used for authentication.
- First response to CRAM-MD5 authentication similar
to a msg-id to work with Eudora mail.
- Re-wrote graylist cleanup so it completes in one
- Graylist cleanup gracefully stops at shutdown.
- Improved index performance by not re-reading
parent blocks.
- IMAP search command returns all results on one
line - Palm.
- IMAP allows partial fetch using
BODY[x]<partial> - Palm.
- User mail dir for LOGIC
users can be set to something other than MHS.
Version 4.00:
- Added several new statistics.
- Added third column of statistics on
- Added capability of showing running
statistics as a bar graph.
- Added feature to send regular status
reports to administrator.
- Remembers last view shown.
- Reading mail shows drop-down list only
if more than 3 recipients.
- Shows last command in active web
- Log files named by date created.
- Can configure number of days log files
are kept.
- Can disable webmail features for all
- Can disable webschedule features for
all users.
- Discussion list allows access control
lists of who can post.
- Added setting to discussion list to
allow subscribed users to post.
- Added number of recipients limitation
by domain.
- Added attachment size limitation by
- Can specify days offline-reader files
are kept by domain.
- Uses mutex for synchronizing writes to
log files.
- Recognizes Windows XP theme enabled.
- Returns additional info in BODYSTRUCT
request for compatibility with
- Pocket Outlook in IMAP mode.
- Can include other template files
within templates.
- Recognizes request for FAVICON.ICO
- Attachments that cannot be
decompressed treated as viruses.
- Does not connect to IMAP server if
user does not exist and no auto-create.
- Correctly logs multiple-line EHLO
- Redirects to different URL when login
requires user to change password.
- IMAP uses authenticated user to select
proper global directory.
- IMAP when search scope is 0 no search
results returned. Workaround for
- Outlook IMAP search crashing.
- IMAP stops searching global address book
when limit reached.
- IMAP allows wildcard attribute names in
- Rejection message sent if 500 level
error received at greeting.
- Detained box name not case sensitive.
- Reports filtered file name when
attachment is message body.
- User setting can override number of
recipients limitation by domain.
- User setting can override attachment
size limitation by domain.
- Added Offline Reader feature.
- Can configure message returned for an
unknown recipient.
- Recognizes monthly archive setting for
Office-Logic users.
- Content-Type case changed for
case-sensitive clients.
- Max folder length increased.
- Allow and block lists allow
"<>" to designate blank address.
Version 3.35:
- Retries multiple times to update
Norman virus scan engine.
- Attachments that contain CRC errors
treated as damaged viruses.
Version 3.34:
- Domains configuration moved to
separate dialog.
- Added feature to view and remove
WAASUP licenses.
- Each domain has directory, LDAP server
and quota limit settings.
- Authenticates user with LDAP server if
one defined for the domain.
- Updates existing users when importing
users from text file.
- Performance improved when looking for
e-mail addresses in whitelist.
- Logs filename received message was
saved to.
- Uses larger write buffer if incoming
message over 1MB.
- Includes message size when sending
- Added ability to migrate multiple IMAP
users with saved passwords now.
- Does not start separate thread for
each migrated POP/IMAP user.
- Adds extra CR-LF at beginning of
message body if not Opera browser.
- Ignores applefile partitions inside of
appledouble partition.
Version 3.33:
- Fixed possible buffer overruns.
- Fixed overrun error when new address
book name too long.
- Non-existant fields do not show up as
@@ in address book edit.
- Can decode Base64 lines broken in
irregular places.
- Adds extra CR-LF at beginning of
message body if not Opera browser.
- Fixed possible exception error.
- Does not give error until entire SMTP
message received.
- Logs if IP address is trusted.
- Can browse to archive user or
- Archive feature defaults to enabled.
- Can specify range of allowed IP
addresses for discussion list.
Version 3.32:
- Re-indexes userfile at startup if
index files not found.
- Reply sent to correct user when same
username defined with and without domain name.
- Added option to archive mail to
folders based on date.
- Move to folder rule does not include
Inbox as a destination.
- Messages manually deleted from
outbound queue archived.
- Change-user settings for Office-Logic
users kept in SHARE.INI.
- Cleanup done for discussion list
- Mail sent by resource user not saved
to sent items folder.
- Fixed possible exception when
forwarding long subjects.
Version 3.31:
- E-mail delivery is retried at
3,6,12,24,48 minutes.
- Messages sent from Office-Logic users
include global signature.
- IMAP server supports POP pass-thru
- Includes in e-mail header which
application processed rule.
- Supports Office-Logic Notify utility.
- Uses updated SSL 0.9.8 library
Version 3.30:
- Added Exchange pass-through user type.
- Includes comment when adding to
- Displays comments in whitelist.
- Uses settings from Office-Logic for
number of days messages stay in trash or sent-items folders.
- Pauses 2 seconds for every error to
slow down mail attacks.
- Accepts "XID:" to identify
phone for auto-login.
- Does not check whitelist for user who
received message.
- Makes 3 attempts to de-compress Norman
update files.
- Displays multipart/mixed contents
correctly when missing <BODY> tag.
Version 3.29:
- Does not reject by graylist if sender
in whitelist.
- Includes original To: and Cc: when
forwarding message.
- Auto-forward pre-pends "Fw:"
only if not already there.
- Graceful termination of connection
time-out after 1 minute.
- Default SMTP greeting shows ESMTP.
- Redirects back to list after adding or
deleting contact.
- Does cleanup of IMAP passthru deleted
and outbox folders at logout.
- Fixed problem decoding some binhex
Version 3.28:
- Can set lifetime of accepted messages
in graylist database.
- Graylist uses ALLOWFRM, ALLOWTO and
ALLOWIP files to bypass.
- Graylist closes connection instead of
returning temporary failure 451.
- Contacts secondary virus update server
if invalid response from primary.
- User auto-create for POP and IMAP
passthrough configurable.
Version 3.27:
- Whitelist works with IMAP and POP
pass-through users.
- Added notifications for Office-Logic
Groupware running in client/server mode.
Version 3.26:
- Graylist only rejects message one more
time if retry is 4 hours late.
- Messages that are retried after 4
hours are treated as if they camein for the first time.
Version 3.25:
- Ignores duplicate recipients when
expanding alias.
- Does not attempt to deliver to
postmaster if no postmaster defined.
- Graylist kept in file GRAYLIST.DAT.
- Graylisting rejects entire message
instead of per-recipient.
- Graylisting does not reject message if
any recipients are found in graylist.
Version 3.24:
- Can configure which user postmaster
messages forwarded to.
- No challenge message sent to
- Remembers last address book selected
for attendee selection.
Version 3.23:
- Added graylist feature.
- Added user export feature.
- IMAP can read appointments from shared
- User import from text file allows all
fields to be specified.
- Lines contain the following
comma-separated fields:
- username (or the full e-mail
address if not for default domain)
- personal name
- password
- return address (if different than
- comments
- User type (either
default is LOCAL if omitted)
- User directory (for
-or- Route (for REDIRECT,ROUTE types)
- server name (IMAP or POP types)
Version 3.22:
- E-mail received for pass-through users
can be relayed to another host.
- Will automatically create POP or IMAP
passthrough user only if user does not already exist and successful
connection made.
- Logs out previous session if different
one started at same web browser.
- If "Retrieve e-mail from external
POP account" user option is selected and no password set, user
password will be set to login password upon first successful
- Route users can be added.
- Allows importing of appointments for
Office-Logic users.
- Includes name of authenticated Webmail
user when sending mail.
- Gets share settings for OL users from
"Sched" section of SHARE.INI.
Version 3.21:
- Added option to allow authenticated
users to send any attachment.
- Can enable/disable whitelist challenge
messages from advanced options.
Version 3.20:
- Added support for to-do list
- Added option during recipient
selection to show "All Users".
- Updates user log file when user sends
- Does not reset inactivity time for
invalid page requests.
- Sets OL.INI whitelist setting when
whitelisting enabled.
- Available attendee list pages up/down
200 at a time.
Version 3.19:
- Displays SMTP outbound queue for
viewing and deletion.
- Added log file viewing features to
main menu.
- Correctly parses remnder information
from icalendar objects.
- Includes reminders when icalendar
objects requested.
- Scans for viruses even if attachment
filtered by extension.
Version 3.18:
- Fixed problem adding new e-mail
address to whitelist.
Version 3.17:
- Fixed memory leak when POP
pass-through user retrieves mail from remote server and leaves mail
on server.
Version 3.16:
- Serves WML pages to phone if
"wap.wml" listed first in "Accept:" header
provided in HTTP request.
- Recognizes "WML" setting in
BROWSER.INI to override whether WML pages are served.
- Does not exception if incomplete UIDL
list received from POP server.
Version 3.15:
- Attempts to apply virus definition
update before scanning messages.
- Can specify different message size
limit on secondary SMTP port.
- Mime decoding not sensitive to extra
characters after boundary is specified. This was causing attachments
not to be seen on some malformed messages.
Version 3.14:
- Added phone message center.
- Virus scanner runs independently from
installed Norman Anti-Virus.
- Maximum timeout connecting to host
- Error message specifies which
recipients typed in the compose page
"To","Cc","Bcc" fields are invalid.
- Ignores duplicate recipients typed in
the compose page "To","Cc","Bcc"
fields instead of giving error.
- European characters allowed when
sending msg from WAP phone.
- Virus definition update moved to
separate thread so update problems do not stop mail delivery.
- Signals service when "Update
virus definitions now" selected.
- All mime partitions except text/plain
scanned for viruses/exploits.
- Ignores duplicate local users when
delivering messages.
- Fixed problem retrieving message body
starting with '.' using POP.
- User "Last used" date does
not change when mail received, allowing "stale" accounts
to be detected.
Version 3.12:
- POP server supports POP pass-through
- E-mail deletions synced with POP
server before logging out.
- Improved performance when retrieving
POP mail and leaving on server.
- Supports creation and editing of
multiple address books.
- Added hidden flag so user does not
show in available recipient lists.
- Added LDAP server options to search
userlist and address books.
- On compose page, allows local user to
be specified with <> braces.
- Retrieves attachments originally saved
with draft.
- Not sensitive to truncated mime
encoded header lines.
Version 3.11:
- Can synchronize contacts through IMAP
interface when using Office-Logic Inet client.
- Does not exception for large messages
when @@LineWrap is used.
Version 3.10:
- Displays server up-time.
- Log file shows which attachments
filtered by extension.
- Does not check quota for Redirect or
Route users.
- Import users from text file now
includes comment.
- Fields now allowed are: username
(optionally the full e-mail address if not for default
domain), personal name, password, return address (which may be
different than the username@defaultdomain), comments.
- Does not give exception if too many
partitions in mimed message.
- Shows item in whitelist that caused
e-mail to be allowed through.
- Cannot impersonate unknown local user
as sender unless authenticated.
- Log files show item in list that
caused e-mail to be blocked.
- Reports viruses found in VIRUS.LOG log
Version 3.09:
- If Norman update causes virus engine
to break, high importance e-mail sent to admin and e-mail processing
- Outbox folder renamed to "Sent
- Added advanced option to save outbound
messages from mail client to "Sent Items" folder.
- If IMAP receives
X-INF-CFG-GETDISPLAYADDRESS command it assumes the client is
ExpressIt and saves all outbound mail to "Sent Items"
- IMAP FETCH command clears all RECENT
flags upon completion.
- Office-Logic users schedule sharing
settings kept in SHARE.INI.
- Sender impersonation allowed if HELO
line matches one in ALLOWHELO.TXT file.
- Gives "452 Insufficient system
storage" temporary error condition if cannot write inbound
message to disk.
- Can separate multiple e-mail addresses
with semi-colons.
- Keeps track of changes to LOGIC.EMB
and writes only changed regions to increase performance.
- Aliases allowed when manually entering
recipients on compose page.
- When reading HTML message, displays
all message body partitions, including plaintext.
- Allowed,blocked lists allow multiple
wildcard characters.
- Added "NEWPASS" command to
POP server to set user password.
- Added X-NEWPASS command to IMAP server
to change user password.
- Adds "Precedence:list" to
all messages sent from distribution list to prevent challenge
messages from coming back.
- If message contains more than one
alias or recipient, sends one challenge back per alias or recipient.
- Writes X-Priority in outgoing messages
if urgent message.
- Ignores blank lines during inbound
SMTP session.
Version 3.08:
- Added configurable number of days
messages stay in archive folder.
- User can reverse sort order in message
list by clicking on the column again.
- IMAP COPY command returns positive
response even if message not found.
- This is a workaround for the PocketPC
because a failure to delete a non-existant message will cause it to
stop deleting other messages.
- Userlist shows proper number of
defined users.
- Close button on search page goes back
to message list.
Version 3.07:
- Virus scanner checks for HTML e-mail
exploits such as "Object data".
- Virus scanner attempts brute-force
cracking of the ZIP/RAR password.
- Treats message as virus if message
checking of embedded exceeds 100 levels deep.
- Sends success message when connection
made to virus update server after failure, regardless of whether a
definition update was needed.
- Connects to secondary virus update
server if primary fails.
- IMAP server upgrades local recipients
to full e-mail address if only "local" name available.
- IMAP server returns correct
body-struct for non-mime messages for "mis-behaving"
- IMAP server encodes special
(non-alphanumeric) characters in envelope.
- Reports errors reading Office-Logic
Groupware userfile header.
- Allows comment to be added to user
- When user authenticates, also attempts
to compare given password as all upper-case and lower-case.
- Shared POP client uses
"Delivered-To:" headers if present to deliver mail for use
with external servers that (inappropriately) fan out the message.
- Compose message template can specifiy
hard line wrap for message text by including @@LineWrap=xx@@
anywhere in the template.
- Distribution list files use .DIS
extension instead of .LST. Existing files are automatically renamed
at login.
Version 3.06:
- Typo fixed in challenge message.
- SMTP send/receive timeouts set to 5
minutes per RFC1123.
- Does not start extra thread when
retrieving shared POP3 mail.
- Retries 3 times to update virus
definitions before sending notice.
- Reports virus found in activity
log.Fixed compatibility problem with SSL certificate requests.
Version 3.05:
- Does not send autoreply to messages
marked as "precedence:bulk" or "list".
- Whitelisting does not send challenge
message if messsage marked as "precedence:list".
- Starts at top of list when switching
back to Inbox.
- When filing a message to another
folder, shows next message if "After deleting or moving
message, read next message" option checked.
- Fixed possible exception error when
synchronizing reminders.
- IMAP server returns entire message
body if not mime encoded message, to allow viewing of
mis-constructed messages in some obsolete clients (in particular
- Fixed possible problem of garbled text
appended to virus notification or intruder notification.
- Fixed problem where filtered
attachments were treated as viruses.
- Password change for Office-Logic users
is not case-sensitive.
Version 3.04:
- Whitelist checks message
"From:" and "To:" in addition to "Mail
from:" for presence in whitelist.
- Whitelisting does not send challenge
message if messsage is "precedence: bulk", contains
"List-*" in header, or from "local users".
- Whitelist challenge message sent to
"From:" address instead of to "Mail from" to
avoid unsubscribing mail list.
- Whitelist release adds "MAIL
FROM:", "From:" and "To:" addresses to
- Fixed possible exception when
forwarding HTML messages.
- Skips continuation lines in message
header when mime decoding to work around non-complying Lotus Notes
- Webmail interface displays characters
"<" and ">" properly when showing message
headers in HTML messages.
Version 3.03:
- Service shuts down within 30 seconds
when requested rather than previous 2 minute limit.
- Challenge message can include
additional text and icon allowing the administrator to customize the
message with a logo and text of their choice. Custom information is
followed by server provided information for release of message.
- Added setting to disable users from
viewing their detained folder.
- This restricts the user from seeing
any messages that have not been released by the sender.
- Name of detained folder configurable
by administrator.
- Shows name and IP of attempted
connection in non-delivery notification to be used for additional
diagnostic capabilities.
- Writes successful POP3/IMAP/SMTP
authenticate in user log file to aid in the determination of unused
- Automatically enables whitelist
feature in Office-Logic groupware (version 8 to be released).
- Memory allocation less prone to
fragmentation which increases by several thousand the allowed number
of sessions.
- Local recipients upgraded to full
e-mail address when retrieved by POP so that "dumb"
e-mail client software can still send replies, etc.
- Return address can be included when
importing users from text file.
- Fields now allowed are: username
(optionally the full e-mail address if not for default domain),
personal name, password, return address (which may be different than
the username@defaultdomain).
- IMAP server returns entire message
body, if not multipart message, to allow viewing of mis-constructed
messages in some obsolete clients (in particular ExpressIT2000).
- Does not truncate messages generated
by e-mail systems that incorrectly specify quoted-printable text
when it is actually plaintext.
- Does not send non-delivery notice if
auto-forwarded message to avoid mail loops when using an
auto-forward rule.
- Recognizes system WHITELST.TXT in
CLEAN directory allowing administrator to setup Whitelist entries
for entire network.
- Whitelist uses case-insensitive search
in user's address book so that capitalization doesn't defeat
- SMTP sending allows up to 10 minutes
once data transmission ends to try to avoid timeout problems with
some slow servers that don't return graceful completion response in
a timely manner.
- Allows first mime boundary to
immediately follow header in misconstructed e-mail messages
(standards specify a blank line after header) that some systems are
sending out.
- Recognizes wrapped subject line in
e-mail header.
- Updated Administration Help file.
Version 3.02:
- Added option to treat password
protected ZIP as virus.
- Removed "Verify sender
address" feature.
- Does not check public blacklists if
sender is authenticated.
- Added discussion list option to
disable auto-unsubscribe.
- Added discussion list option to
distribute message to address book.
- Discussion list has proper From:
address when "@" is in the list name.
- Adds "Message-id" if sender
authenticated and none present.
- Includes Message-id when sending
- Quarantined virus cleanup disabled if
directory is blank.
- Attendee selection similar to
recipient selection.
- Displays 100 address book entries per
- Includes updated PocketPC
synchronization application.
Version 3.01:
- SMTP host can listen on two ports.
- Added whitelist feature.
- Added POP pass-through feature.
- Periodically processes rules on POP
pass-through accounts.
- Connections established before
userlist opened.
- Web cache updated every 15 seconds by
- Removed unavailable public blacklists.
- Tech support remote control more
- Fixed possible overrun error with long
rejection messages from other server.
- Scans any e-mail messages appended to
message body.
- IMAP server allows entire multipart
mime partitions to be requested.
- Reads minimum record length from
database to increase performance.
- Allows recipients to be separated by
- Expands local recipients to full
e-mail address when sending.
- Adds X-VirusFound: header to e-mail
message if virus removed.
- Places warning e-mail message in
user's Inbox if near or over quota.
- "Route" user type no longer
- Supports IMAP "Answered"
- Sender saved to whitelist when IMAP
client moves message from Detained folder.
- Scheduler e-mail alerts can include
multiple addresses.
- Corrected default number of days to
keep message in outbox.
- Configure "IMAP client"
renamed to "Pass-through"
- Discussion list can send message with
"From:" as author.
- Rule editing shows rules that are
- Can now delete archive folders.
- Outbound WEB inactivity timeout is 30
- Does not serve WAP pages unless no
HTML support.
- Does not decode unicode unless code
page specified.
- Drafts folder for local users is named
- Outbound SMTP inactivity timeout is 60
- Caches list of files in OUT directory.
- Maximum outgoing SMTP threads default
set to 250.
- First retry of outgoing message is in
3 minutes.
- Incoming SMTP inactivity timeout is 60
- Allows incoming port numbers to be
re-used quickly.
- Client must authenticate before
sending mail as a local user or domain.
- Added feature to verify sender address
(block incoming message if reply attempt back to sender
- Automatically adds outgoing e-mail
addresses to sender's whitelist.
- Automatically adds outgoing messages
to sender's Outbox folder.
- Does not create temporary file if only
recipient is devnul.
- Creates and uses LOGIC.EMB as part of
recalculating mailbox quotas.
- Close button on attendee status was
returning "page not found".
- Alias file FORWARD.TXT allows multiple
aliases per line.
- Ignores filename on boundary, was
causing some attachments not to show.
- Reports correct content encoding for
IMAP body structure.
- Does not log file activity when
refreshing WEBHOSTS directory.
- Can specify individual user's return
e-mail addresses.
- Imports e-mail address from Infinite
InterChange if defined.
- Imports POP pass-through users from
Infinite InterChange.
- Imap client send/receive timeout set
to 10 minutes.
- Adds "original from" to HTML
messages forwarded by discussion list.
- Discussion list not sensitive to blank
lines in list.
- Added option to show users from the
same domain only during recipient selection.
- Cleans up all user deleted and outbox
folders at midnight.
- Sends scheduler e-mail alerts for IMAP
- Added description column to contact
- Does not delete LOGIC.EMB so next IMAP
UID value does not get lost.
- Fixed possible exception when
appointment list is filled.
- Subject is required before sending a
message from webmail.
- IMAP server will automatically create
mailbox with X-INF-MOVE command.
- Fixed possible exception when
attachment name too long.
- Adds entry to log file when incorrect
password given.
- Deleted mailbox name comparison case
- IMAP server does not leave any files
open when searching.
- Allows multiple "To:" lines
in header.
- Requires version 3 serial number.

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