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Office-Logic Groupware Client Server Edition:

Office-Logic Groupware now has a Client Server Edition that can simplify and enhance security, performance, and remote access needs. Along with all the features found in Office-Logic Groupware, the Client Server Edition has several new enhancements and advantages that are essential to many of our customers.

The Client Server Edition allows you to have more control over your file access security, while optimizing performance with minimal system requirements.  The Client Server Edition allows you to store your users Office-Logic Groupware e-mail and data files onto a workstation or server that is isolated from your other network devices.  Your users do not need any network rights or file access privileges to the workstation or server storing the Office-Logic Groupware e-mail and data files.  The Office-Logic Groupware client can then establish a direct connection to the isolated workstation or server where file access security and controls are regulated by the Client Server Edition. With the Client Server Edition controlling file access directly, instead of using Windows file access calls, you can expect increased performance within Office-Logic Groupware while simplifying and maintaining higher levels of file security. There is no need to assign and maintain file access rights for each user since the Client Server Edition controls all file access security for you automatically.

With the increased file access capabilities offered in the Client Server Edition, users have the added benefit of running the Office-Logic Groupware client from any remote Windows PC and have full real-time remote access to all their Office-Logic e-mail and data files without limitations or duplication of data. Your users do not have to be trained on how to use a new remote access program because it is the exact same client interface that they already use at the office. Remote access has never been more powerful and easier to implement.


Since the Client Server Edition controls all file access, the workstation or server that is running Client Server Edition, and storing your e-mail and data files, does not require Microsoft client access licenses for all your users.  Thus saving money while adding higher levels of security with improved performance.

Advantages of Office-Logic Groupware Client Server Edition:

  • Improved control over your file access security

  • Isolate your Office-Logic e-mail and data files from the rest of your network devices

  • Improved performance with direct file access controls by eliminating the need for time consuming Windows file access calls

  • Full real-time remote access to all your Office-Logic e-mail and data files without limitations or duplication of data

  • Simplify remote access by using the same client that is run at the office

  • With Client Server Edition no longer requiring direct network access, you should also achieve improved network performance for your other applications

  • Easily improve performance, security, maintenance and remote access with Office-Logic Groupware Client Server Edition


Office-Logic Groupware:

Office-Logic version 8 contains many new features and enhancements that our clients have been asking for. A highlight of new version 8 features includes:

  • Updated 3D buttons.

  • E-Mail Preview Window.

    • Users can quickly view messages in a Preview Window without actually opening the message. The time that previewed messages can be viewed before being marked "read" is configurable in 1-second increments from 0 (never) to 999999 (11.5 days).

  • Preview Window displays From, To, Cc, Subject, and Date information.

  • New Sent Items Folder.

    • Keeps a copy of outbound messages for configured number of days (default 10). Sent Items folder works even if Archiving is turned off.

  • Nested Mailboxes.

    • Create multiple folders and sub-folders with long file name support to help organize and maintain your e-mail messages.

  • Updated Chat now allows multiple users.
    • Chat with multiple users within the same session.
  • Added button to insert signature at cursor position.

    • Insert your signature where you want.

    • This option is very useful when using the "Start replies at of message" option.

  • Added feature to save message to a specified folder when sending.

    • Keep a copy of your outbound messages into organized folders.

  • Added feature to print message when sending.

  • Message List displays message sizes.

    • Messages with attachments now display the message size within your message list.

  • Added feature for shared folders.

    • Setup shared folders that can be accessed by multiple users.

  • Saving Draft messages now include attachments.

  • Scheduler features.

    • Redesigned scheduler combines the total management of your calendar and scheduling needs into one intuitive interface.

    • Features like: tab control to allow easier access to customized reminders (alarm events), group scheduling, attendee status, and recurring appointments. Includes group recurring (repeating) appointments, Sharing and Overlaying calendars of other users for a "total picture" view of calendar items.

  • Enhanced Contact Manager.

    • A new Contact Manager that allows users to manipulate their contact information in an easy to use interface. The Contact Manager allows users to send e-mail or dial phone numbers directly from a contact record (hardware dependent). The Contact Manager is completely customizable and allows for easy access to contact information, contact history, and contact summaries. The Contact Manager can be synchronized with your smartphones.

  • Updated Contact/Address Book menu for easier addressing options.

    • Recipient selection redesigned to support multiple address books.

    • An easier interface to select addresses and assign them to the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: fields.

  • Enhanced Virus Protection.

    • Office-Logic Groupware has new features to protect your e-mail and network environment from malicious virus and worm attacks. If you are using Outlook or Outlook Express, YOU ARE VULNERABLE. Office-Logic closes the holes in your virus security.

  • Safer Viewing:

    • E-mail HTML filtering using SANITIZE.TXT before viewing.

    • Images in E-mail suppressed before viewing:

    • Many images include e-mail address verification back to the SPAMMERS. Simply click a button to view images in messages.

  • User configuration options now follow users to different workstations on the network.

  • Global Disclaimer/Signature on all outbound messages.

    • Office-Logic Groupware allows you to create multiple GLOBAL signatures that will be appended to all outbound messages.

Office-Logic Groupware version 8.x has several new SPAM filtering options that when used together with our Office-Logic InterChange SMTP mail server will block 100% of automated SPAM.



Office-Logic InterChange:

  • Gray Listing:

    • The Gray List feature depends on increasing the cost of junkmail mail delivery by taking advantage of the current behavior of most "junkmail servers" in that they don't retry delivery of messages to servers that refuse the connection. Each time a particular sender attempts delivery to a particular recipient from a particular IP address range, Office-Logic InterChange looks for the "triplet" of information in its database. If it is the first attempt, it will be added to the database and the sending server will be given a "451 Server busy. Please try again later." message and the attempt terminated. On the second attempt, if it is found to fall within the time window (i.e., more than 59 seconds and less than 4 hours) the message will be delivered. If it tries too quickly (i.e., less than 59 seconds) it will be again rejected as "early" or too late (i.e., more than 4 hours) it will be rejected as "late". Once the triplet is allowed to deliver a message, it will continue to be allowed unless there is no further attempts for more than 36 days. In which case the process will begin again.

      While this mechanism doesn't stop all junkmail and it does cause an initial delay (the amount is dependent on the sending servers operation), it has proven to be very effective at stopping a substantial amount of junkmail.

  • White Listing:

    • White List - Challenge Response SPAM blocking technology that will eliminate 100% of automated Junk Mail from cluttering your users mailboxes.

      When an inbound message is received by Office-Logic InterChange, and before the message is delivered to the local user, Office-Logic InterChange will verify that the senders e-mail address is listed in either the local users White List, Personal Address Book, or Global Address Book.

      If the senders e-mail address is listed, then their message will be delivered immediately to the local users Inbox. If the senders e-mail address is not listed in the local users White List, Personal Address Book, or Global Address Book, then the message gets stored in a DETAINED folder in the users mailbox. Office-Logic InterChange will then send a Challenge Message back to the sender that includes a link to verify their address and release their message to your local user. When the sender selects the link in their Challenge Message, their original message is released from the local users DETAINED folder into their Inbox. The senders e-mail address is then automatically added to the local users White List. Each sender has to verify their address only once per local user, and your administrator and local users do not have to do anything if they don't want to.


Copyright © LAN-ACES, Inc. 2016 

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