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SyncML Sync Service - BlackBerry

The SyncML Sync Service for BlackBerry allows you to synchronize your Office-Logic or WebMail\WebScheduler Calendar, Contacts and To-Do Lists.  SyncML Sync Service for BlackBerry performs a direct wireless synchronization through your Office-Logic InterChange server.  Synchronizations can be configured for either manual transmission when you request, or automatic synchronizations on timed intervals. 


Always have access to, and be able to manage your:

  • E-mail.

  • Personal, Group, and Shared Appointments.

  • Multiple Defined Address Books.

  • User and Global To-Do Lists.

There are two options for accessing your Office-Logic or WebMail e-mail on your BlackBerry device.  The BlackBerry does not use an e-mail client on the device that interfaces directly with Office-Logic InterChange.  You can either have online BlackBerry Servers poll your e-mail through Office-Logic InterChange, or you can configure Rules within Office-Logic or WebMail to push e-mail directly to your BlackBerry device.  The difference is in how it is determined what messages go to the BlackBerry device.  


If Office-Logic or WebMail push the e-mail to the BlackBerry device, you can control what messages get sent depending on the criteria that you have established with rules.  If you let the BlackBerry Servers poll your e-mail, all of your inbox is reflected on the BlackBerry.  Using this method synchronizes your inbox messages between your BlackBerry device and Office-Logic or WebMail.  If you delete a message on your BlackBerry device, then that message will also be deleted from your Office-Logic or WebMail inbox as well.


The SyncML Sync Service requires Office-Logic InterChange and a current Office-Logic InterChange Updates, Support, & Enhancements (USE) Agreement.  If you have any questions about your USE Agreement status, then please contact our Sales department


Instructions for the SyncML Sync Service for BlackBerry 30-day trial to synchronize either your Office-Logic or  WebMail\WebScheduler Calendar, Contacts, and To-Do Lists. 


Make sure you are running the latest version of Office-Logic InterChange v4.x.  You can always see a listing of enhancements and changes that have been made to Office-Logic InterChange v4.x at

OLIC Changes

  • If you are currently running Office-Logic InterChange v4.x, and have a current Office-Logic InterChange Updates, Support, & Enhancements (USE) Agreement, then download and install the latest Office-Logic InterChange v4.x from OLInterChange.htm

  • If you are currently running Office-Logic InterChange v3.x, then please contact our Sales department to verify your USE Agreement status and receive your upgrade Office-Logic InterChange v4.x activation code(s) if qualified.

  • If you are not using Office-Logic InterChange, then please contact our Sales department to get detailed product information and pricing.  Our Support department will be happy to assist you in installing a 30-day trial of Office-Logic InterChange.

Once the latest version 4.x of Office-Logic InterChange has been installed:

  1. From any workstation, login to the user's account that will be running the SyncML BlackBerry Sync Service 30-day trial using a web browser (WebMail interface).

  2. Click on the Options icon and then the Synchronization icon. 

  3. From the Synchronization menu, select the Address Books that you would like to synchronize with your device, and the number of days before and after to synchronize your appointments. 

  4. Click on the Save button to save your settings.


To get the latest BlackBerry Sync software from Funambol (our sync agent partner):


We are now only supporting the Funambol BlackBerry synchronization client for our SyncML - BlackBerry Sync Service product.  Due to several outstanding issues, we are no longer supporting the Nexthaus SyncJe BlackBerry client.

If you are currently running the Nexthaus SyncJe client on your BlackBerry device, You will need to remove it from the device.
  • Open the SyncJe client and click on the BlackBerry Menu button.
  • Select Settings and make sure that the Automatic Sync option is disabled.
  • Save your Settings and Exit the SyncJe client.
  • DELETE the SyncJe program from your BlackBerry and then Reboot the device.
  • Follow the instructions below to install the Funambol BlackBerry client.

Step #1:
Funambol BlackBerry client Installation Instructions:

For MOST BlackBerry devices with OS 4.7 and later (Any BlackBerry running OS 4.7 or later): From your BlackBerry browser, install from:

If you are running a really old version of the Blackberry (you shouldn't be) and haven't updated the operating system, you can use this version for BlackBerry devices with OS 4.2 - 4.6: From your BlackBerry browser, install from:


Step #2:
Configure Funambol BlackBerry client:
  • Run the Funambol application.  By default, the application should be in your BlackBerry Downloads folder.
  • Press the BlackBerry Menu button.
  • Select Settings and fill in the following fields:
    • Server Location:
      • This is the location of your Office-Logic InterChange server - i.e. http://mail.mydomain.com or https://mail.mydomain.com if your Office-Logic InterChange server requires an SSL connection
    • Username:
      • Enter your Office-Logic Username in all UPPERCASE
    • Password:
      • Enter your Office-Logic Password in all UPPERCASE
    • Sync Contacts:
      • Click on the box to enable synchronization of your Office-Logic Contacts
    • Sync Calendar:
      • Click on the box to enable synchronization of your Office-Logic Calendar
    • Sync Tasks:
      • Click on the box to enable synchronization of your Office-Logic To-Do Lists
    • Sync Notes:
      • This option is not supported at this time
    • Enable Scheduled Sync:
      • Click on the box to enable automatic synchronization of your Office-Logic Contacts, Calendars, or To-Do Lists
      • Use the Pull Down menu to select the time interval of your automatic synchronization. This should normally be 1 hour or more. More often will sacrifice battery life.
    • Sync Direction:
      • Use the Pull Down menu to select one of the following - Recommend Two-Way
        • Two-Way
        • One Way: Client to Server (Use ONLY when directed by OfficeLogic Support)
        • One Way: Server to Client (Use ONLY when directed by OfficeLogic Support)
    • Do not enable the Disable Auto-Add for Incoming Invitations option
  • Save your settings by pressing the BlackBerry Menu button and select Save
  • Press the BlackBerry Menu button again and select the Sync All option
Step #3:

E-Mail to the BlackBerry:

To have your Office-Logic e-mail sent to your BlackBerry device:  You will need to go to: http://www.discoverblackberry.com/support/blackberry101/email.jsp and setup an account.  You will be prompted to enter your Office-Logic internet e-mail address and password (Upper Case).
  • Note: This will setup the BlackBerry Internet Service to retrieve your Office-Logic mail using IMAP for access to new messages and some level of synchronization of the BlackBerry with the Inbox.. The BlackBerry Internet Service checks for new messages approximately every 20 minutes, so there could be a delay in new messages reaching your BlackBerry device.  The BlackBerry does not allow folders/mailbox use so it is not really adapted to managing messages but is more for receiving, reading, and responding while out of the office. Deleting messages on the BlackBerry will EVENTUALLY result in the message being deleted in Office-Logic but it is not very predictable because of the way BlackBerry has implemented it. Messages being marked read on the BlackBerry do result in the messages showing read in Office-Logic. If you need more control over what messages are sent, i.e., you don't want ALL messages, you can setup a rule to forward the mail to a BlackBerry created mailbox and it will only send those messages that match the rule and they go to the BlackBerry virtually instantly. There is no synchronization of the Inbox in this mode. The method to choose really depends on how the user wants to use the BlackBerry and what kind of messages that they want.
You will need to add a setting to Office-Logic InterChange to allow inbound messages from the BlackBerry Internet Service. From your Office-Logic InterChange server, select Configure\Lists\System White-List and click on the Add button.  Enter *@srs.*.blackberry.* and click on the OK button to save your setting.

506: Transport layer failed....could not open tunnel
Make sure that your WAP settings on the BlackBerry device are correct, more information can be found in the following document:


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